Category Archives: Operating Systems

How NSIS plugins work

NSIS plugins are regular DLLs that export functions with typical def-files like this:

    AddUser      PRIVATE    
    CreateHive   PRIVATE

They should be put to “C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\x86-ansi” directory for NSIS v3.x. From nsi-script their functions can be called like this:

Function MyFunc


How to debug classic ASP with VS2015 and IIS Express

Change configuration/system.webServer/serverRuntime/asp section of $(SolutionDir).vs\config\applicationhost.config file to:

<asp scriptErrorSentToBrowser="true" enableParentPaths="true" bufferingOn="true" errorsToNTLog="true" appAllowClientDebug="true" appAllowDebugging="true">
    <cache diskTemplateCacheDirectory="%TEMP%\iisexpress\ASP Compiled Templates" />
    <session allowSessionState="true" />
    <limits />

Open the website in a browser and then in VS2015 go to Debug->Attach To Process, change code type to Script and select iisexpress.exe. After that in browser navigate to a page you want to debug and Script Documents section will appear in Solution Explorer allowing you to set breakpoints on listed pages. Actually you do all the steps described in this post, except that you edit not the global IIS Express configuration, but local configuration located in VS2015 solution subdirectory .vs\config.


Setting up Squid proxy on Ubuntu 16.04 to browse blocked websites

Squid 3.5.12 can be installed and tested on Ubuntu 16.04 with the following commands:

sudo apt install squid
service squid start
sudo ufw allow 3128/tcp
wget -e use_proxy=yes -e http_proxy=http://localhost:3128

by default Squid listens on port 3128.

At first, Google Chrome started with Squid proxy from some external IP address:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --proxy-server=


How to prevent automatic restart after installing updates in Windows 10

Press Win+R, type “gpedit.msc” and press Enter:

In the opened window go to “Local Computer Policy->Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->Windows Components->Windows Update and set “Configure Automatic Updates” and No auto-restart for scheduled Automatic Update installation” to Enable.


How to add a program to startup in Windows 10

Press Win+R, type ‘shell:startup‘ or ‘shell:Common Startup‘ and press Enter:


How to edit Windows 10 boot menu

Press Win+R, type ‘msconfig‘ and press Enter:


Installing NVIDIA Driver on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04

I am not sure if there were NVIDIA drivers when I installed Ubuntu 16.01 on a machine with Intel processor and GTX 1060 graphic card, but at least I saw this in the terminal (it is not clear what actually FAILED):


Installing Google Play Services on a Windows 10 with MS VS2015

If Android support is enabled in MS VS2015, it installs Android SDK without Google Play Services and I did not find an option in SDK Manager that installs them. When I started “C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\SDK Manager.exe” with admin privileges, it automatically offered to install some 9 packages:


Configuring Postfix with relay in Ubuntu 16.04

Today I read that Postfix can be better than sendmail and found a great Russian article on how to configure Postfix to work with relay ( is some kind of Russian Google). The only notice I would give is that in a Docker container I need also install rsyslog, otherwise /var/log/mail.log file is not created:

apt install rsyslog

After doing all the steps described in this Russian manual I was able to send email to and GMail accounts, but GMail landed all the emails to its spam folder. My first idea was that it is because I did not configure ‘from address’ correctly, so I had the following in /var/log/mail.log, and also there was a message ‘Cannot assign requested address‘:

Oct 27 11:36:19 0675c97b78aa postfix/pickup[1210]: 8C7ECE5B72: uid=0 from=<root>
Oct 27 11:36:19 0675c97b78aa postfix/cleanup[10786]: 8C7ECE5B72: message-id=<20171027113619.8C7ECE5B72@0675c97b78aa.localdomain>
Oct 27 11:36:19 0675c97b78aa postfix/qmgr[1211]: 8C7ECE5B72: from=<root@0675c97b78aa.localdomain>, size=405, nrcpt=2 (queue active)
Oct 27 11:36:19 0675c97b78aa postfix/smtp[10788]: connect to[2a00:1450:400c:c09::1b]:25: Cannot assign requested address


Configuring sendmail with GMail relay on Ubuntu 16.04

Previously I published post How I configured sendmail for PHP on Ubuntu Server 12.04 describing how to configure sendmail to use custom SMTP server. But after switching to Ubuntu 16.04 VPS my first idea was that I can use sendmail in its default configuration, but this idea was wrong, because while sendmail worked well with (some Russian mail server), for example, it did not work with GMail, because GMail did not accept the mail reporting ‘DSN: Service unavailable.‘ in /var/log/mail.log, see my post on Ubuntu Forum for more information. Now my second idea is that using GMail as sendmail relay will prevent GMail from rejecting my mail. Below I provided a short instruction on how to realize this successful idea.

Install the packages

apt-get install sendmail mailutils

mailutils allows to run mail command.
