Tag Archives: cpp-serialization

Version tolerant serialization in C++

Last time I have been working on a C++ binary serialization framework that allows to serialize simple data structures with a few lines of code. First, you add AWL_REFLECT macro to all your structures as follows:

#include "Awl/Reflection.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <set>

struct A
    int a;
    bool b;
    std::string c;
    double d;

    AWL_REFLECT(a, b, c, d)

C++ binary serialization speed is comparable with std::memmove

Measuring std::memmove speed

I wrote a simple test that outputs std::memmove speed to the console:

AWT_ATTRIBUTE(size_t, element_count, 1000000);

std::unique_ptr<uint8_t> p_src(new uint8_t[element_count]);
std::memset(p_src.get(), 25u, element_count);

std::unique_ptr<uint8_t> p_dst(new uint8_t[element_count]);

context.out << _T("std::memmove: ");

awl::StopWatch w;

std::memmove(p_dst.get(), p_src.get(), element_count);

ReportSpeed(context, w, element_count);

context.out << std::endl;

And the similar tests for std::memset and std::vector::insert.


Basic ideas of version tolerant serialization in C++

Consider the following scenario: there was structure A in an old version of a C++ application:

struct A
    double a;
    int b;
    std::string c;

An instance of A was serialized into a file in a binary format and after that the application was updated to a new version.

But in the new version of the application structure A was modified by adding fields d and e and deleting field a:

struct A
    int b;
    std::vector<int> d;
    bool e;
    std::string c;

and the new version of the application needs to deserialize an instance of its new structure A from the file containing old version of A.


A simple C++ serialization framework

I implemented a simple C++ binary serialization framework that makes a structure or class serializable by adding a macro that usually takes one line of code as shown in the example below:

struct A
    bool x;
    int y;


There is also a macro that makes a structure or a class equatable:
