Tag Archives: yandex-mobile-ads

The right way to build Yandex Mobile Ads Example for iOS

To build the example with CocoaPods do the following steps:

Install build tools

Install Ruby with rbenv on macOS and install CocoaPods without sudo:

gem install cocoapods

My first attempt to build Yandex Mobile Ads Example for iOS

According to the official repository docs I tried to install CocaPods:

 sudo gem install cocoapods

but got the following error:

ERROR:  Error installing cocoapods:
        The last version of drb (>= 0) to support your Ruby & RubyGems was 2.0.6. Try installing it with `gem install drb -v 2.0.6` and then running the current command again
        drb requires Ruby version >= 2.7.0. The current ruby version is

Installed some dependencies and the installation of CocoaPods succeeded:

sudo gem install drb -v 2.0.6
sudo gem install activesupport -v
sudo gem install cocoapods

Updating Yandex Mobile SDK to version 7.1

QT generates gradle.properties with the following values:


Using GDPR with 3-rd party Advertising SDKs

It is clear enough from Google docs how to show consent form in an Android app with Google Mobile Ads SDK:

First I call requestConsentInfoUpdate and then I call loadAndShowConsentFormIfRequired that shows the consent form if required.

I did not test this code, but as far as I can guess, Google Mobile Ads SDK checks if the user belongs to the region GDPR applies to, shows its own consent form and internally saves a flag indicating if the user agreed (pressed some Allow button in consent form).


Yandex Mobile Ads actively crashes on Android

There was an ANR in my Android app, but a few days later Yandex Mobile Ads started to actively crash messing up my statistics:


ANR in Yandex Mobile Ads on Android

I got ANR in my Android app on HUAWEI HWJMM (honor 6C Pro) Android 7.0 (SDK 24) with the following stack trace:

  at J.N.M1Y_XVCN (Native method)
  at org.chromium.content.browser.BrowserStartupControllerImpl.b (chromium-Monochrome.aab-stable-<US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER>:10)
  at org.chromium.content.browser.BrowserStartupControllerImpl.i (chromium-Monochrome.aab-stable-<US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER>:62)
  at hp.run (chromium-Monochrome.aab-stable-<US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER>:59)
  at org.chromium.base.ThreadUtils.f (chromium-Monochrome.aab-stable-<US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER>:7)
  at org.chromium.android_webview.AwBrowserProcess.l (chromium-Monochrome.aab-stable-<US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER>:23)
  at com.android.webview.chromium.M.e (chromium-Monochrome.aab-stable-<US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER>:146)
  at com.android.webview.chromium.M.b (chromium-Monochrome.aab-stable-<US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER>:172)
  at com.android.webview.chromium.WebViewChromiumFactoryProvider.getWebViewDatabase (chromium-Monochrome.aab-stable-<US_SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER>:7)
  at android.webkit.WebViewDatabase.getInstance (WebViewDatabase.java:38)
  at com.yandex.mobile.ads.impl.e6.a (SourceFile:7)
  at com.yandex.mobile.ads.impl.m60.a (SourceFile:4)
  at com.yandex.mobile.ads.impl.dd.t (SourceFile:1)
  at com.yandex.mobile.ads.impl.dd$a.run (SourceFile:3)
  at android.os.Handler.handleCallback (Handler.java:846)
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage (Handler.java:106)
  at android.os.Looper.loop (Looper.java:205)
  at android.app.ActivityThread.main (ActivityThread.java:6783)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run (ZygoteInit.java:1225)
  at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main (ZygoteInit.java:1086)