Category Archives: Operating Systems

QT app is deactivated incorrectly on Android 10 in Gesture mode

If I enable Gesture mode on an Android 10 emulator by tapping System->Gestures->System Navigation->Gesture Navigation and then deactivate my app by swiping and reactivate it back, I get the following in the log:

adb logcat | grep "\ Lines"
05-04 21:52:36.389 11794 11939 D Lines   : Squircle::aboutToQuit()
05-04 21:52:36.389 11794 11939 D Lines   : InterstitialAdWrapper clear() called.
05-04 21:52:36.392 11794 11939 D Lines   : InterstitialAdWrapper InterstitialAd destructor called.
05-04 21:52:36.393 11794 11939 D Lines   : Squircle destructor called.
05-04 21:52:36.396 11794 11939 W Lines   : exit app 0
05-04 21:52:37.032 11794 11939 D Lines   : OslSoundPool destructor
05-04 21:52:37.117  2040  2134 W InputDispatcher: channel '8474831 net.geographx.LinesGame/net.geographx.MainActivity (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.  events=0x9
05-04 21:52:37.117  2040  2134 E InputDispatcher: channel '8474831 net.geographx.LinesGame/net.geographx.MainActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
05-04 21:52:37.123  2040  3120 I WindowManager: WIN DEATH: Window{8474831 u0 net.geographx.LinesGame/net.geographx.MainActivity}
05-04 21:52:37.123  2040  3120 W InputDispatcher: Attempted to unregister already unregistered input channel '8474831 net.geographx.LinesGame/net.geographx.MainActivity (server)'
05-04 21:52:37.136  2040  3120 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service net.geographx.LinesGame/ in 1000ms
05-04 21:52:37.151  2040  2057 I ActivityManager: Process net.geographx.LinesGame (pid 11794) has died: cch CRE
05-04 21:52:38.034  2040  2057 I ActivityTaskManager: START u0 {act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=net.geographx.LinesGame/net.geographx.MainActivity bnds=[37,882][238,1191]} from uid 10090
05-04 21:52:38.055  2040  2057 I chatty  : uid=1000(system) Binder:2040_2 identical 8 lines
05-04 21:52:38.099  2040  2072 I ActivityManager: Start proc 12702:net.geographx.LinesGame/u0a134 for activity {net.geographx.LinesGame/net.geographx.MainActivity}
05-04 21:52:38.101 12702 12702 W raphx.LinesGam: Unexpected CPU variant for X86 using defaults: x86
05-04 21:52:38.124 12702 12702 E raphx.LinesGam: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-04 21:52:38.966  2040  2069 I ActivityTaskManager: Displayed net.geographx.LinesGame/net.geographx.MainActivity: +931ms
05-04 21:52:39.062 12702 12826 D Translation file has been loaded successfully:  "LinesGame_en"
05-04 21:52:39.062 12702 12826 D Lines   : App version:  "2.5.11, #133"
05-04 21:52:39.072 12702 12826 D Lines   : QT/SysInfo: Device Pixel Ratio: 3  Screen DPI:  147.131
05-04 21:52:39.106 12702 12826 D Lines   : InterstitialAdWrapper  valid
05-04 21:52:39.185 12702 12826 D Lines   : qml: Registering adfree
05-04 21:52:39.189  7632  9145 W Finsky  : [672] gcs.d(23): net.geographx.LinesGame: No account found.
05-04 21:52:39.411 12702 12826 D Lines   : qml: adfree Component.onCompleted
05-04 21:52:39.413 12702 12826 D Lines   : InterstitialAdWrapper: calling Java method ' initializeInterstitialAd ' from C++
05-04 21:52:39.413 12702 12826 D Lines   : Starting the application event loop...
05-04 21:52:39.463 12702 12826 D Lines   : onApplicationStateChanged(Qt::ApplicationActive)

Why my QT app crashes at the destructor of std::thread on Android 10 devices?

I did some research on why my QT app crashes at the destructor of std::thread on Android 10 devices at the user side with the following call stack:

#00 /apex/ (abort+160)
#01 /system/lib64/ (abort_message+232)
#02 /system/lib64/ (demangling_terminate_handler()+44)
#03 /system/lib64/ (std::__terminate(void (*)())+12)
#04 /system/lib64/ (std::terminate()+52)
#05 /system/lib64/ (std::__1::thread::~thread()+20)
#06 /apex/ (__cxa_finalize+212)
#07 /apex/ (exit+24)
#08 /data/app/com.domain.myapp-Rs_sm5VrLR1Jj8QW6oYByA==/lib/arm64/

and figured out that its likely because std::thread destructor is being invoked while the thread is still joinable at some point of the application execution (thanks to G. M. on


How I solved “This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play”

I created an unlockable product in Google Play, added billing permission to the manifest:

<uses-permission android:name=""/>

and implemented billing in my application, but when I attempted to purchase the product first time I got error ‘This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play‘:

This version of the application is not configured for billing through Google Play

Packaging QT application into Android App Bundle (AAB)

In Qt Creator 4.11.0 on Projects page check “Build .aab”:

This will create .aab file.


Installing Oracle Database 19.3 in a Docker container on Ubuntu Server 18.04

First I installed Ubuntu Server 18.04 as a Hyper-V machine on Windows 10.

While creating the virtual machine I selected Generation 1, because Generation 2 resulted in some strange effects.

Then I created a separate user with sudo permission:

sudo useradd -d /home/singh -m --shell "/bin/bash" singh
sudo passwd singh
sudo usermod -aG sudo singh

How to prevent a Windows 10 machine from auto-locking

  • Right-click the Start button.
  • Click Search.
  • Type gpedit and hit Enter on your keyboard.
  • Double-click Administrative Templates.
  • Double-click Control Panel.
  • Click Personalization.
  • Double-click Do not display the lock screen.
  • Click Enabled.

Creating Android application icons

There are the key links to the docs:

At the moment of writing this post application icons were of the following sizes:


Accessing a service credentials on Windows 10

I worked on some Windows app that registers a Windows service with a C++ code like this:

SC_HANDLE hService = ::CreateService(
    hSCM, m_szServiceName, _T(SERVICE_NAME),
    szFilePath, NULL, NULL, _T("RPCSS\0"), user_name, password);

where user_name and password are strings that are provided by the app user during the app install. Assuming the service name is MyService this creates a registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY\Policy\Secrets\_SC_MyService that is hidden by default and even administrator does not have a permission to read it and regedit does not show the content of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY key by default. But fortunately the access can be allowed by right clicking on HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SECURITY and selecting Permissions or alternatively by running


in PowerShell. To list the content of the key I used the following command:

dir HKLM:\SECURITY\Policy\Secrets\_SC_MyService

My Android QT app crashes at qt_qFindChild_helper.

I have an Android QT app with more than has 14K active users at the moment of writing this post. The app is relatively stable, its crash rate is 0.34%:


Binding Docker container ports to the host on Ubuntu 18.04 inside Hyper-V on Windows 10

The binding did not work for me until I switched from Internal Virtual Switch to External Virtual Switch and while switching I were getting the following error:

[Window Title]
Virtual Switch Manager for MY-MACHINE

[Main Instruction]
Error applying Virtual Switch Properties changes

Failed while adding virtual Ethernet switch connections.

[Expanded Information]
External Ethernet adapter 'Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller' is already bound to the Microsoft Virtual Switch protocol.

until I switched Hyper-V Extensible Virtual Switch off on my network adapter properties page (after I created External Virtual Switch it switched on back):
