Category Archives: Android

Installing Google Play Services on a Windows 10 with MS VS2015

If Android support is enabled in MS VS2015, it installs Android SDK without Google Play Services and I did not find an option in SDK Manager that installs them. When I started “C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\SDK Manager.exe” with admin privileges, it automatically offered to install some 9 packages:


Screen resolutions of Android devices

Below I provided parameters of three Android phones I tested my Lines game with:

Android Version Screen Resolution Pixel Ratio DPI Screen Size
4.4? 320×496 (480×744/706) 1.5 156.89 52×80 mm
4.4? 360×592 (540×888/850) 1.5 160.19 57×94 mm
6.0 360×592 (720×1184/1136) 2.0 160.19 ~68×123 mm
N/A 800×1232 1.0 188.3295 108×166 mm

Screen Resolution column contains the information in the following format: <logical resolution> (<physical resolution>/<physical height available for applications in portrait orientation>.

DPIs with ‘~’ sign are measured manually because QT (or some Android API) provides incorrect Screen Size.


Debugging a C++ application on an Android device with VS2015 on Windows 10

VS2015 has an exciting ability to debug a C++ application on Android Emulator, but in this article I will talk about no less exciting and more time expensive ability to debug a C++ application on a real Android device. The first thing we need to spend the time with is figuring out how to enable USB debugging mode on our Android device. On my ASUS Zenfone I need to go to Settings->About->Software Information and tap on Build Number 7 times, after that I have USB debugging check box in Settings->Developer Options that I should tap as well:

enabling USB debugging mode on Android device USB debugging mode on Android device


Creating cross platform (Android, iOS, UWP) OpenGLES 2 applications with VS2015

Cross platform (Android, iOS, UWP) OpenGLES 2 application can be easily created in VS2015 using “OpenGLES 2 Application (Android, iOS, Windows Universal)” project template:

“OpenGLES 2 Application (Android, iOS, Windows Universal)” project template
