Category Archives: Cryptocurrencies

A proper Ubuntu 18.04 installation for running Ethereum node

Create a Hyper-V machine with a disk that is large enough:

And install Ubuntu 18.04.


What to mine on GTX 1060 3GB in November 2020

It is still possible to mine the following on GTX 1060 3GB in November 2020:

coindag sizeexchange

I did not receive a peak price from Binance

In my app I display prices that I receive from Binance STORJ/BTC trade stream (green color):


Sample Binance API queries

Getting All Isolated Margin Symbols in PHP:

$api_key = "*****";
$secret = "*****";

$opt = [
    "http" => [
        "method" => "GET",
        "header" => "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; PHP Binance API)\r\nX-MBX-APIKEY: {$api_key}\r\n"
$context = stream_context_create($opt);
$params['timestamp'] = number_format(microtime(true)*1000,0,'.','');
$query = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $query, $secret);
$endpoint = "{$query}&signature={$signature}";

$res = file_get_contents($endpoint, false, $context);
echo $res;

My first experiment with a peak detection algorithm

Hi guys!

For those how are interested in what I am doing now I provided my app screenshots with ‘Find Peaks’ button that runs ZScore algorithm on a cryptocurrency market data (follow the this link for the algorithm source code in C++).

Honestly I am not quite enough understand yet how it works, because I run it first time today, but at least there is some correlation between input parameters and the results. The lesser the threshold and the longer the lag the lesser peaks are found. Increasing the influence also reduces the peak count.


Mining Raven Coin (RVN) with KawPow on Windows 10

I run T-Rex miner as follows:

t-rex -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u <mywallet>.rigW -p x

and set the following parameters on my 1060 GTX 3GB card with MSI Afterburner:


Mining Monero (XMR) with RandomX on Windows 10

Enable huge pages by running gpedit.msc and adding the current user to Local Computer Policy->Computer Configuration->Windows Settings->Security Settings->Local Policies->User Rights Assignment->Lock pages in memory:

and logging out of current Windows session for changes take effect.


How to buy and sell crypto with RUB on Binance

Binance has Buy and Sell Cryptocurrency page:

and has Russian Ruble (RUB) Fiat Gateway Through Advcash.


Mining Raven Coin (RVN) with X16Rv2 on HiveOS and Windows 10

HiveOS Web UI has Setup Minder Config button where I selected X16Rv2 algorithm for T-Rex miner:


Mining BEAM with GeForce GTX 1060 3GB on HiveOS

It is still possible to mine BEAM with GeForce GTX 1060 3GB and GMiner on HiveOS. GMiner takes 2862MB on GPU0 and 2850MiB on GPU1-7:
