How to get a history of running processes

Follow the steps from


Investigating SDFile in RenderDoc

When we click on a node in Event Viewer: see renderdoc\qrenderdoc\Windows\APIInspector.cpp:

void APIInspector::OnSelectedEventChanged(uint32_t eventId)
  ui->apiEvents->saveExpansion(ui->apiEvents->getInternalExpansion(m_EventID), 0);



  m_EventID = eventId;
  ui->apiEvents->applyExpansion(ui->apiEvents->getInternalExpansion(m_EventID), 0);

Debugging RenderDoc

Visual Studio 2022 was able to display rdcstr:


How RenderDoc works with Vulkan app

Launching a Windows app

I built Vulkan samples for Windows as follows:

set MY_VS_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 17 2022"
cd \dev\build\v
set MY_CMAKE_EXE=%MY_DRIVE%\dev\tools\cmake-3.24.2-windows-x86_64\bin\cmake.exe
%MY_CMAKE_EXE% ..\..\repos\Vulkan -G %MY_VS_GENERATOR% -A x64
rem Open generated vulkanExamples.sln and build.

and launched bloom.exe with RenderDoc:


How RenderDoc works with OpenGL app

I cloned RenderDoc’s repository:

git clone

easily built renderdoc\renderdoc.sln with MSVC2022 on my home machine, opened my Lines Game built on Windows with OpenGL:


Setting up QT Creator with MinGW + CMake + Ninja

Add C and C++ compilers:


Google Play Console displays std::exception message

My Android game crashed on a user’s device at the highlighted line:

GameMovement::GameMovement(GameField& field, CellCoord from, CellCoord to) :
    GameGraph graph(&m_field, from, to);

    m_path.reserve(m_field.GetColumnCount() + m_field.GetRowCount());

    if (!graph.FindPath(m_path))
        throw std::runtime_error("Path not found.");

    if (m_path.size() < 2)
        throw std::runtime_error("Wrong path.");

How I tried to fix “Suggested maximum image size is 2560 pixels” error in WordPress

While uploading an image I got:


Building Vulkan samples for Android

Cloned the repository:

git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update

Updated assets:


Installing Vulkan SDK on Windows

I downloaded Vulkan SDK and installed Vulkan Hardware Capability Viewer at C:\VulkanSDK\\Bin\vulkanCapsViewer.exe:
