Recording video with Nvidia DSR

Installed GTX 1060 driver:

Selected DSR – Factors 4x:

Changed the resolution:

The resolution also changed in System Settings:

QML code for setting the main window size programmatically:

function resizeMainWindow(w, h)
    r = Screen.devicePixelRatio

    mainWindow.width = w / r
    mainWindow.height = h / r

    mainWindow.flags |= Qt.FramelessWindowHint

    title: mainTr("Windows Size")

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("iPhone 6.7 Screen")
        onTriggered: resizeMainWindow(1290, 2796)

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("iPhone 5.5 Screen")
        onTriggered: resizeMainWindow(1242, 2208)

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("iPad Screen")
        onTriggered: resizeMainWindow(2048, 2732)

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("Mac OS Screen")
        onTriggered: resizeMainWindow(1280, 800)

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("iPhone 6.7 Video")
        onTriggered: resizeMainWindow(886, 1920)

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("iPhone 5.5 Video")
        onTriggered: resizeMainWindow(1080, 1920)

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("iPad Video")
        onTriggered: resizeMainWindow(1200, 1600)

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("Mac OS Video")
        onTriggered: resizeMainWindow(1920, 1080)

    MenuItem {
        text: mainTr("Default")
        onTriggered: {
            mainWindow.width = nativeModel.windowWidth
            mainWindow.height = nativeModel.windowHeight
            mainWindow.flags &= ~Qt.FramelessWindowHint

I tried to record iPhone 6.7 video with Win + Alt + R, but it recorded it in 672×1440px resolution.

So I tried OBS. Its default resolution was 1920×1080:

I updated it as follows:

and set the encoder to MP4:

OBS recorded not 886x1920px but 884x1920px for some reason, but I was able to resize the video with VLC player:

Source file properties:

Converted file properties:

Apple App Store requirements (generated by AI):

Tried 24 FPS:

The right way to resize the video on Ubuntu 22.04 (Insert a setsar filter to reset the SAR to 1, so that the display resolution is the same as the stored resolution, see

ffmpeg -i iphone884.mp4 -vf scale=886:1920,setsar=1 -c:a copy iphone884-c2.mp4
ffmpeg -i iphone884-ru.mp4 -vf scale=886:1920,setsar=1 -c:a copy iphone884-ru-c1.mp4
ffmpeg -i iphone884-zh.mp4 -vf scale=886:1920,setsar=1 -c:a copy iphone884-zh-c1.mp4

10 Responses to Recording video with Nvidia DSR

  1. dmitriano says:

    Are there any apps to resize videos in Ubuntu?
    sudo apt-get install mencoder
    mencoder iphone-src.mp4 -vf scale=886:1920 -ovc copy -oac copy -o iphone-c1.mp4

  2. dmitriano says:

    App Preview resolutions
    iphone 6.7 886×1920
    iphone 5.5 1080×1920
    ipad 1200×1600
    mac 1920×1080

  3. dmitriano says:

    How to resize a video to make it smaller with FFmpeg
    ffmpeg -i iphone884.mp4 -s 886×1920 -c:a copy iphone884-c1.mp4

  4. dmitriano says:

    Resizing Video on macOS for Apple App Store Page
    ffmpeg -f lavfi -i anullsrc=channel_layout=stereo:sample_rate=44100 -i input.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a aac -shortest output.mp4
    ffmpeg -i output.mp4 -vf scale=886:1920 -r 30 outputFinal.mp4

  5. dmitriano says:

    Using ffmpeg to scale app preview videos for the AppStore
    Insert a setsar filter to reset the SAR to 1, so that the display resolution is the same as the stored resolution.
    ffmpeg -i video_1920_1080.mp4 -vf scale=1920:886,setsar=1 -c:a copy video_1920_886.mp4

  6. dmitriano says:

    How to create an animated GIF from MP4 video via command line?

    ffmpeg \
    -i iphone884.mp4 \
    -r 15 \
    -vf "scale=512:-1,split[s0][s1];[s0]palettegen[p];[s1][p]paletteuse" \

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