Mining NEOXA on HiveOS with 3GB cards

The key to the success in mining NEOXA on HiveOS is knowing pool parameters that can be stratum+tcp://, for example:

Full miner config is:

=== /hive/miners/t-rex/0.26.4/config.json =================================================
  "pools": [
      "user": "<my wallet>.rig0",
      "url": "stratum+tcp://",
      "pass": "x",
      "worker": ""
  "api-bind-http": "",
  "json-response": true,
  "retries": 3,
  "retry-pause": 10,
  "timeout": 180,
  "no-watchdog": true,
  "algo": "kawpow",
  "validate-shares": true,
  "log-path": "/var/log/miner/t-rex/t-rex.log",
  "exit-on-cuda-error": true,
  "exit-on-connection-lost": false,
  "_notes": "Generated at Fri Jul 22 14:12:01 MSK 2022"

it uses about 1.2GB:

Miner log:


Switched to (without TLS):

=== /hive/miners/t-rex/0.26.8/config.json =================================================
  "pools": [
      "user": "<my wallet>",
      "url": "stratum+tcp://",
      "pass": "c=NEOX,mc=NEOX",
      "worker": ""
  "api-bind-http": "",
  "json-response": true,
  "retries": 3,
  "retry-pause": 10,
  "timeout": 180,
  "no-watchdog": true,
  "algo": "kawpow",
  "validate-shares": true,
  "log-path": "/var/log/miner/t-rex/t-rex.log",
  "exit-on-cuda-error": true,
  "exit-on-connection-lost": false,
  "_notes": "Generated at Mon Jul 22 10:29:23 MSK 2024"

With TLS it did not work:

6 Responses to Mining NEOXA on HiveOS with 3GB cards

  1. dmitriano says:

    Windows 10:
    t-rex.exe -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp:// -u wallet.rigA -p x

  2. dmitriano says:
    step 6: after complete sync, click Tools>> Wallet Repair>> Recover Transaction 1

  3. dmitriano says:

    Wallet Data:

  4. dmitriano says: is offline, so I switched to
    -o stratum+tcp:// -u -p c=NEOX,mc=NEOX

  5. dmitriano says:

    Now it uses 2332MiB / 3019MiB

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