I did some research on why my QT app crashes at the destructor of std::thread on Android 10 devices at the user side with the following call stack:
#00 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (abort+160)
#01 /system/lib64/libc++.so (abort_message+232)
#02 /system/lib64/libc++.so (demangling_terminate_handler()+44)
#03 /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::__terminate(void (*)())+12)
#04 /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::terminate()+52)
#05 /system/lib64/libc++.so (std::__1::thread::~thread()+20)
#06 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (__cxa_finalize+212)
#07 /apex/com.android.runtime/lib64/bionic/libc.so (exit+24)
#08 /data/app/com.domain.myapp-Rs_sm5VrLR1Jj8QW6oYByA==/lib/arm64/libplugins_platforms_qtforandroid_arm64-v8a.so
and figured out that its likely because std::thread destructor is being invoked while the thread is still joinable at some point of the application execution (thanks to G. M. on stackoverflow.com).