Fortunately, to compile BOOST with MS VC 2010 we need Visual Studio Command Prompt and five commands:
Navigate to BOOST directory, for example:
F: cd F:\Projects\Lib\boost_1_53_0
Fortunately, to compile BOOST with MS VC 2010 we need Visual Studio Command Prompt and five commands:
Navigate to BOOST directory, for example:
F: cd F:\Projects\Lib\boost_1_53_0
I believe that the simplest way to pass complex data from C# to PHP is through WCF service. See my previous post How to implement WCF service in PHP for more details.
Let assume we have a WCF service contract that has the following method with some nested dictionary as a parameter:
[ServiceContract] public interface IStore { [OperationContract] void UpdateRows(Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, object>> rows); }
Below I provided the sample implementation of UpdateRows in PHP that iterates through nested dictionaries (first level called ‘rows’ and second level called ‘properties’):
A long time ago, STL had auto_ptr<Type> class that automatically deleted a dynamically allocated C++ object when control leaves a block. Personally, I believe that auto_ptr<Type> was typically used in simple scenarios as a local variable or a class member but theoretically it is even possible to declare a vector of auto_ptr<Type> because auto_ptr<Type> stores an ownership indicator and its copy constructor transfers the ownership from the instance being copied, so vector::push_back(…) and vector::resize(…) functions works correctly.
Today I implemented my first PHP Web Service and successfully used it by C# client or, more precisely, I created WCF service contract in C# and implemented it in PHP. A new option “singlewsdl” in WCF 4.5 helped me a lot. Using this option I generated the service description as a single WSDL-file without additional XSD-files containing the data contracts of the service. Then I uploaded this WSDL-file on my Web Server and written PHP code for all the methods of the service.
While investigating how to make C# and PHP interact with each other I run into an interesting extension of WCF Service Model for working over XML-RPC protocol. I played a bit with this extension and after fixing some bug in its source code I made it work with my little custom XML-RPC server implemented as Joomla XML-RPC plugin.
While investigating how to create a Web Service in PHP I run into NuSoap library, that can generate WSDL based on some matadata describing Web Service method signatures and the data structures. I downloaded NuSoap library and found some trivial sample that started working after adding the highlighted line of code:
The first thing that we need to do to use millimeters in XAML is to define simple Mm2PixelConverter class that performs the conversion from millimeter to pixels:
[ValueConversion(typeof(double), typeof(double))] class Mm2PixelConverter : IValueConverter { #region IValueConverter Members public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { double mm = (double)value; return WinUtil.Mm2Pixel(mm); } public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } #endregion }
The first thing that I did after installing sendmail with
aptitude install sendmail
is I put “gate.localhost” (gate is my server name) to /etc/hosts so it looks like this: localhost.localdomain localhost gate.localhost gate # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback fe00::0 ip6-localnet ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix ff02::1 ip6-allnodes ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
With default /etc/hosts containing only “gate” and “localhost” sendmail hangs up for a while and writes to /var/log/mail.log the following message:
My unqualified host name (gate) unknown; sleeping for retry.
There is a new option in Joomla 3.8.2 allowing to get rid of ID in URLs (thanks to Ian who discovered it). If you have an older Joomla version and unable to update to 3.8.2 or higher follow the steps provided below:
Open components\com_content\router.php in an editor and make a small changes:
in function ContentBuildRoute(&$query) replace line 27
$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 0);
$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 1);
in function ContentParseRoute($segments) replace line 208
$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 0);
$advanced = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 1);
After working a little with phpDesigner, I felt that, probably, I need more complex PHP IDE. Because I previously worked with Java applications using Eclipse I decided to add PHP support to my existing Eclipse for Java EE (Helios) installation previously downloaded from I navigated to Help->Install New Software in Eclipse, selected “–All Available Sites—“, searched for “php” and got the same plugin in three different categories: