First, I compiled and installed OpenSSL 1.1.1g in the same way as before:
set PERL_ROOT=E:\PFiles\Strawberry\perl\bin
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\PFiles\nasm-2.14.02-win64
perl Configure VC-WIN64A
set CL=/MP
nmake install
QT does not work with OpenSSL 1.0 anymore. Versions QT 5.12.4 and above require OpenSSL 1.1, but fortunately OpenSSL 1.1 can be easily compiled with MS2017 as follows:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Perl64\bin
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\PFiles\nasm-2.14.02-win64
perl Configure VC-WIN64A
The key to the success is using ‘VS2017 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt‘, but not ‘VS2017 Developer Command Prompt’.
To make QT use OpenSSL, two dlls
should be copied to QT binary directory, for example, C:\Qt\Qt5.13.0\5.13.0\msvc2017_64\bin
I installed Perl, downloaded and extracted OpenSSL 1.1.0h and built 64 bit version in VS2015 x64 Native Tools Command Prompt with the following commands:
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Perl64\bin perl Configure VC-WIN64A no-asm nmake
32 bit version can be built with VC-WIN32 configuration option as described in INSTALL:
on Windows (only pick one of the targets for configuration): $ perl Configure { VC-WIN32 | VC-WIN64A | VC-WIN64I | VC-CE } $ nmake $ nmake test $ nmake install
probably ‘A’ suffix means AMD and ‘I’ means something else, so we need ‘A’.
The following regular expression (find/replace pair) in Visual Studio format removes extra whitespace and @ symbol from a DEF-file:
^[ \t]+(\b(?<name>_\w+|[\w-[0-9_]]\w*)\b)[ \t]+@(?<index>\d+)(?=\r?$) ${name}\t${index}
and converts it to such a form when it can be imported to MS Excel and sorted by the function number, so you can manually add new functions by incrementing the last number.
To convert the file back the following find/replace pair can be used:
^(\b(?<name>_\w+|[\w-[0-9_]]\w*)\b)[ \t](?<index>\d+)(?=\r?$) \t${name}\t\t@${index}
Below I provided the source code of WIX installer that shows the license, installation directory and runs custom actions on install and uninstall:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Wix xmlns=""> <Product Id="*" Name="My Game" Language="1033" Version="" Manufacturer="SharLines Corporation" UpgradeCode="..."> ... <Property Id="WIXUI_INSTALLDIR" Value="INSTALLFOLDER" ></Property> <WixVariable Id="WixUILicenseRtf" Overridable="yes" Value="License.rtf"/> <UIRef Id="WixUI_InstallDir"/> <InstallExecuteSequence> <Custom Action="InstallService" After="InstallFiles">(NOT Installed) AND (NOT REMOVE)</Custom> <Custom Action="UninstallService" After="InstallInitialize">(NOT UPGRADINGPRODUCTCODE) AND (REMOVE="ALL")</Custom> </InstallExecuteSequence> <CustomAction Id="InstallService" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" Execute="deferred" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" ExeCommand="[INSTALLFOLDER]$(var.MyService.TargetFileName) parameters..."/> <CustomAction Id="UninstallService" Return="check" Impersonate="yes" Execute="deferred" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER" ExeCommand="[INSTALLFOLDER]$(var.MyService.TargetFileName) parameters..."/> </Product> ... </Wix>
MyService is project referenced by my wixproj in VS2015. If Impersonate=”yes” the command is run as the current user, if “no”, the command is run as “NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM“. INSTALLFOLDER is defined as follows:
Below I provided a simple step by step instruction on how to compile QT 5.7 with VS2015 assuming you already have VS2015 and Git client installed on your Windows machine.
Install Perl, Python and Ruby.
To get QT 5.7 sources open Git Bash and run the following command (the repository has some submodules, so “recursive” option is required), see the list of possible clone here at the bottom of the page:
git clone --recursive --branch 5.7
Create a bat file called configureqt.bat with the following content:
set PATH=%PATH%;"C:\Program Files (x86)\Portable\ruby-2.3.0-i386-mingw32\bin";C:\Perl\bin;C:\Python27 D: cd D:\Repos\qt5\ set _ROOT=D:\Repos\qt5 set PATH=%_ROOT%\qtbase\bin;%_ROOT%\gnuwin32\bin;%PATH% set QMAKESPEC=win32-msvc2015 set _ROOT= configure -debug -nomake examples -opensource
Unfortunately, GDAL 2.0.1 does not build with VS2015. I tried to build it with the following command from Command Prompt:
nmake /f
having gdal-2.0.1 as the current directory. Build has taken some significant time, but finally got some liker error “odbccp32.lib(dllload.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __vsnwprintf_s referenced in function”:
I’ve been working on some MFC application and to apply my WPF knowledge I added a WPF control written in C# to my MFC CView with the following code:
int CMyView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; try { gcroot<hwndsource ^> hwnd_source = gcnew HwndSource(0, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, "HwndSource", IntPtr(m_hWnd)); MyWpfControl ^ control = gcnew MyWpfControl(); hwnd_source->RootVisual = control; } catch (Exception ^ ex) { String ^ msg = ex->Message; } return 0; }
All that I needed to do is to follow the steps described in this post: How do I host WPF content in MFC Applications, fix VS2012 bug described here, and got rid of std::mutex and std::lock_guard replacing them with the following classes using typedefs:
A long time ago, STL had auto_ptr<Type> class that automatically deleted a dynamically allocated C++ object when control leaves a block. Personally, I believe that auto_ptr<Type> was typically used in simple scenarios as a local variable or a class member but theoretically it is even possible to declare a vector of auto_ptr<Type> because auto_ptr<Type> stores an ownership indicator and its copy constructor transfers the ownership from the instance being copied, so vector::push_back(…) and vector::resize(…) functions works correctly.