Category Archives: Operating Systems

QtPurchasing uses deprecated AIDL billing library

Looks like QtPurchasing uses deprecated AIDL billing library and people say that it crashes on some devices. See for more information. Probably they are going to update it in 5.15.7 and move it into examples in QT 6, so it is not clear exactly what will happen with it, we probably better wait QT 5.15.7 to be released.


Enabling colors in Window 10 console

Add DWORD key VirtualTerminalLevel=1 to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Console:


Disabling power button on Windows 10

When you mistakenly press power button your Windows 10 machine surprisingly shuts down. Switch it off with the following steps:


Compiling Awl on Ubuntu 18 and 20 with GCC 11

Below I provided the instruction on how to build Awl on Ubuntu 18 and 20.

On Ubuntu 18 you do an extra step to install CMake version >= 3.12:

wget -O - 2>/dev/null | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository 'deb bionic main'
sudo apt update

Then do the following steps on both Ubuntu 18 and 20:

sudo apt install cmake
cmake --version

Built my QT app for Android with API level 30 (Android 11)

New Android App Bundle and target API level requirements in 2021:

Starting August 2021, new apps will be required to target API level 30 (Android 11) and use the Android App Bundle publishing format. Starting November 2021, all app updates will be required to target API level 30 (Android 11). Apps with a download size of more than 150 MB are now supported by Play Asset Delivery and Play Feature Delivery.

I updated the manifest manually as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<manifest package="net.geographx.LinesGame" xmlns:android="" android:versionName="2.5.30" android:versionCode="161" android:installLocation="auto">
    <uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="21" android:targetSdkVersion="30"/>

My QT Android app periodically crashes at android::RefBase::incStrong(void const*)

The call stack is:

  #00  pc 00000000000097a8  /system/lib/ (android::RefBase::incStrong(void const*) const+4)
  #00  pc 0000000000022145  /vendor/lib/
  #00  pc 000000000000ab79  /vendor/lib/ (KEGLGetDrawableParameters+252)
  #00  pc 0000000000041c53  /vendor/lib/egl/
  #00  pc 000000000001663d  /vendor/lib/egl/
  #00  pc 0000000000016b01  /vendor/lib/egl/ (glClear+440)
  #00  pc 000000000008acaf  /data/app/net.geographx.LinesGame-9_pUex92-tGEqE4iIbRCCw==/lib/arm/ (LinesGame::Squircle::beforeRendering()+270)
  #00  pc 000000000017d5b9  /data/app/net.geographx.LinesGame-9_pUex92-tGEqE4iIbRCCw==/lib/arm/
  #00  pc 0000000000176f4d  /data/app/net.geographx.LinesGame-9_pUex92-tGEqE4iIbRCCw==/lib/arm/ (QQuickWindowPrivate::renderSceneGraph(QSize const&, QSize const&)+172)

It is a QT bug that is not fixed yet.

Also my app crashes at the destructor of std::thread and this also a QT bug that is not fixed yet.

Building QT 6.1.0 for Android on Windows

Theoretically it can be:

git clone --recursive --branch v6.1.0

or alternatively:

git clone --branch v6.1.0
./init-repository --branch --module-subset=essential,qtandroidextras,qtsvg,qtquickcontrols2,qtgraphicaleffects,qtwebsockets,qtmultimedia


./init-repository --module-subset=all

QT 5.15.2 app crashes on Android 5.1

My QT 5.15.2 app crashes on Android 5.1 with the following call stack:

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Build fingerprint: 'Android/sdk_google_phone_x86_64/generic_x86_64:5.1.1/LMY48X/6402608:userdebug/test-keys'
Revision: '0'
ABI: 'x86_64'
pid: 3954, tid: 3998, name: qtMainLoopThrea  >>> net.geographx.LinesGame <<<
signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 (SI_TKILL), fault addr --------
Abort message: 'art/runtime/mirror/] Check failed: !IsFastNative() int java.lang.Character.digitImpl!(int, int)'
    rax 0000000000000000  rbx 0000000000000f9e  rcx ffffffffffffffff  rdx 0000000000000006
    rsi 0000000000000f9e  rdi 0000000000000f72
    r8  0000000000000022  r9  0000000000000002  r10 0000000000000008  r11 0000000000000206
    r12 000000000000000b  r13 0000000000000006  r14 00007f747b51a000  r15 0000000000000051
    cs  0000000000000033  ss  000000000000002b
    rip 00007f7488099e37  rbp 00007f7467007b70  rsp 00007f74670063e8  eflags 0000000000000206

Mining Chia cryptocurrency on Windows 10

I bought a 6TB HDD for 19 990 rubles (in Russia) and started to mine Chia cryptocurrency on my Windows 10 machine using existing 500GB SSD as a temporary space. Now it is building the plots:


Error reading file: No space left on device

I had a large SQLite file C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\TradeClient\realtime.db that I was unable to copy to another disk. I tried:

split -n 10 -d -u realtime.db /mnt/d/db/rt
dd bs=65536 if=realtime.db of=/mnt/d/db/rt

in WSL, but got ‘error reading ‘realtime.db’: No space left on device’ with all the commands.

Finally I reduced page file size restarted my machine and copied the file in a usual way.
