Category Archives: Mac OS X

Updating MacOS

I created partition images and tried to update my MacOS from UI:


Building QT6.4.2 for MacOS and iOS

Build QT for MacOS separately in Debug and Release configuration:

tar xf qt-everywhere-src-6.4.2.tar.xz
cd ~/build/qt
export MY_QT_SRC_DIR=~/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.4.2
export MY_MODE=release
#export MY_MODE=debug

export MY_INSTALL_PATH=~/libs/QT6.4/${MY_MODE}/MacOs
${MY_QT_SRC_DIR}/configure -prefix $MY_INSTALL_PATH -c++std c++20 -opensource -confirm-license \
  -static -static-runtime -${MY_MODE} -force-debug-info \
  -no-openssl -securetransport -DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1 \
  -skip qt3d -skip qt5compat -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcharts -skip qtcoap -skip qtconnectivity \
  -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdoc -skip qtlottie -skip qtmqtt -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtopcua \
  -skip qtserialport -skip qtpositioning -skip qtquicktimeline -skip qtquick3d -skip qtremoteobjects \
  -skip qtscxml -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialbus -skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtwayland \
  -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview -skip qtquick3dphysics -skip qtspeech -skip qtlocation \
  -skip qthttpserver \
  -- -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="x86_64;arm64" \
  && cmake --build . --parallel \
  && cmake --install .

Building my app with QT6.4 on MacOs

I built QT6.4 and downloaded and installed QT Creator 8.0.1 and copied it to my MacOs machine:

scp qt-creator-opensource-mac-x86_64-8.0.1.dmg admin@

QT Creator started successfully because I made .config folder writable while running my app with QT6.2. I added QT versions and kits:


Building QT6.4 for MacOS – separate Debug and Release

I continued my experimentation in same SSH session where I built QT6.4 for MacOS with Ninja generator with the same QT sources location:

scp /mnt/d/dev.distrib/qt-everywhere-src-6.4.0.tar.xz admin@
tar xf qt-everywhere-src-6.4.0.tar.xz
cd ~/build/qt
export MY_QT_SRC_DIR=~/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.4.0

QT did not built with -debug-and-release option so I decided to build debug and release version separately with the following configurations:


Building QT6.4 for MacOS with Ninja generator

In the same SSH session where I built QT6.4 for MacOS with Unix Makefiles generator I installed ninja:

brew upgrade
Running `brew update --preinstall`...
==> Downloading
######################################################################################################################################################################## 100.0%
==> Pouring portable-ruby-2.6.8_1.el_capitan.bottle.tar.gz
==> Auto-updated Homebrew!
Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core).
==> New Formulae

Building QT6.4 for MacOS with Unix Makefiles generator

On the same machine where I Built QT 6.2.2 for MacOS I opened SSH session and set the locale:

export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8  
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

checked the locale has been set correctly:


it printed the following:


Building QT 6.2.2 for iOS

I built QT 6.2.2. for MacOS first and then configured QT 6.2.2 for iOS as follows:

./configure -c++std c++20 -opensource -confirm-license -no-openssl -securetransport -DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1 \
  -platform macx-ios-clang -release -qt-host-path /usr/local/Qt-6.2.2 -prefix /usr/local/Qt-6.2.2-ios \
  -skip qt3d -skip qt5compat -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcharts -skip qtcoap -skip qtconnectivity \
  -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdoc -skip qtlottie -skip qtmqtt -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtopcua \
  -skip qtserialport -skip qtpositioning -skip qtquicktimeline -skip qtquick3d -skip qtremoteobjects \
  -skip qtscxml -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialbus -skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtwayland \
  -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview

Building QT 6.2.2 for MacOS – Part 2

In my previous post I described my first attempt to built QT 6.2.2 for MacOS. Probably my mistake was that I did not switch to full XCode with the command:

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/

and that I used the configuration script with a wrong syntax and missed -- in the command line. Probably the following configuration can be a step to a right direction:

./configure -c++std c++20 -opensource -confirm-license -no-openssl -securetransport -DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1 \
  -skip qt3d -skip qt5compat -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcharts -skip qtcoap -skip qtconnectivity \
  -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdoc -skip qtlottie -skip qtmqtt -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtopcua \
  -skip qtserialport -skip qtpositioning -skip qtquicktimeline -skip qtquick3d -skip qtremoteobjects \
  -skip qtscxml -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialbus -skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtwayland \
  -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview \
  -- -DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES="x86_64;arm64"

Running an app with QT 6.2.2 on MacOS

Built QT 6.2.2 and installed QT Creator 6.0.1, it started but with the following errors:


Backing up with Time Machine on MacOS

Plugged an external HDD:
