Fist install MySQL client libraries and check their location:
apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev find / -name '*libmysqlclient*'
Then install SQLite:
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev
Extract GDAL sources and configure supported modules (MySQL and SQLite are not compiled by default, so we need to specify them explicitly):
unzip cd gdal-2.1.1/ ./configure --with-sqlite3 --with-mysql
this will output “MySQL support: yes” and “SQLite support: yes” along with other information.
Make GDAL and built executables to PATH:
make export PATH=$PATH:/home/dmitriano/work/gdal-2.1.1/apps
The following command
ogrinfo --formats
shows “SQLite -vector- (rw+v): SQLite / Spatialite” and “MySQL -vector- (rw+): MySQL” along with other formats.
The alternate way to get GDAL binaries is to install them from the repository:
apt-get install gdal-bin