Launching a Windows app
I built Vulkan samples for Windows as follows:
set MY_VS_GENERATOR="Visual Studio 17 2022"
cd \dev\build\v
set MY_CMAKE_EXE=%MY_DRIVE%\dev\tools\cmake-3.24.2-windows-x86_64\bin\cmake.exe
%MY_CMAKE_EXE% ..\..\repos\Vulkan -G %MY_VS_GENERATOR% -A x64
rem Open generated vulkanExamples.sln and build.
and launched bloom.exe
with RenderDoc:
It also was able to display partially drawn scene as with OpenGL app:
and displayed the vertices:
and multiple Color Passes in Event Browser:
Probably Color Pass is actually Render Path that is a scope for draw calls:
Launching an Android app
Added adb
path in VS2022:
and while trying to switch the context I got this:
obviously, it can’t find the squid APK.
Vulkan docs: