Tag Archives: wpf

Implementation of WPF’s ICollectionView interface

The existing ICollectionView implementations in WPF, for example ListCollectionView, work very good in trivial cases, they even can sort and filter the items from the underlying collection, but they have some significant disadvantage: they do not keep the correct sort order of an item and they do not filter the item out if its property is changed until ICollectionView.Refresh() method is called explicitly.

To overcome this inconvenience I developed my own implementation of ICollectionView interface that listens to all its items property change events via WeakEventManager and fires corresponding collection change events to re-soft or re-filter the item if needed. It was not a very simple task for me, and I even debugged WPF source code a bit and realized that it works a bit strange, for example, ItemsControl cannot work with my ICollectionView implementation directly, instead it creates some CollectionViewProxy that wraps it and uses some proxy enumerator to access an item by index:


My experience with WPF

When I worked on some navigation system I developed so called “Control Panel” with various custom WPF controls:


HwndHost is not clipped inside ScrollViewer

I created a simple white control with a black border derived from HwndHost (named LightGrid) and added it to ScrollViewer along with some other controls (replaced with “…”) as shown below:

<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled">
            <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
        <Border Grid.Row="6" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Visibility="Visible" Height="200">
            <nc:LightGrid />

It looks correctly in the lower scroll position, and it even can scroll inside ScrollViewer (it moves when I move the scroll bar), but when scrolled, it is not clipped so it obscures other controls:


Using a WPF control in a MFC application

I’ve been working on some MFC application and to apply my WPF knowledge I added a WPF control written in C# to my MFC CView with the following code:

int CMyView::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    if (CView::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
        return -1;

        gcroot<hwndsource ^> hwnd_source = gcnew HwndSource(0, WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD, 0, 0, 0, "HwndSource", IntPtr(m_hWnd));

        MyWpfControl ^ control = gcnew MyWpfControl();

        hwnd_source->RootVisual = control;
    catch (Exception ^ ex)
        String ^ msg = ex->Message;

    return 0;

All that I needed to do is to follow the steps described in this post: How do I host WPF content in MFC Applications, fix VS2012 bug described here, and got rid of std::mutex and std::lock_guard replacing them with the following classes using typedefs:


WPF TreeView does not support Data Virtualization

WPF implements UI Virtualization via VirtualizingStackPanel and it works great, but situation with Data Virtualization is a bit more complex.

After doing some experimentation I realized that VirtualizingStackPanel when used with WPF TreeView does not allow the data to be virtualized because it iterates through all the collection of data items from inside its MeasureOverride function. However, it access only visible data items when used with DataGrid or ListView, so it allows to use some paging or caching techniques in this case. See the following articles for more information:

If you interested on what I tried to do with TreeView, please read below.


How to specify WPF control size in millimeters using XAML

The first thing that we need to do to use millimeters in XAML is to define simple Mm2PixelConverter class that performs the conversion from millimeter to pixels:

[ValueConversion(typeof(double), typeof(double))]
class Mm2PixelConverter : IValueConverter
    #region IValueConverter Members

    public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        double mm = (double)value;

        return WinUtil.Mm2Pixel(mm);

    public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();



Seeing design time data in a WPF control

Sometimes the ability to see the data at design time significantly facilitates the creation of WPF controls. If I am developing a WPF control with complex UI using data bound controls, I usually define a property for accessing some typical data item:

public static ComplexData DesignTimeItem
        using (DatabaseContext db = new DatabaseContext())
            var products = from p in db.products.Include("ProductType")
                           where p.product_id == 131
                           select p;

            product product = products.First();

            return new ComplexData(product, "100 kg");
