Tag Archives: gdal

Compiling GDAL on Ubuntu Linux with SQLite and MySQL support

Fist install MySQL client libraries and check their location:

apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
find / -name '*libmysqlclient*'

Then install SQLite:

sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev

Extract GDAL sources and configure supported modules (MySQL and SQLite are not compiled by default, so we need to specify them explicitly):

unzip gdal211.zip
cd gdal-2.1.1/
./configure --with-sqlite3 --with-mysql

this will output “MySQL support: yes” and “SQLite support: yes” along with other information.


Building GDAL with Visual Studio 2013 and 2015

Unfortunately, GDAL 2.0.1 does not build with VS2015. I tried to build it with the following command from Command Prompt:

nmake /f makefile.vc

having gdal-2.0.1 as the current directory. Build has taken some significant time, but finally got some liker error “odbccp32.lib(dllload.obj) : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol __vsnwprintf_s referenced in function”:

building GDAL with VS2015
