Category Archives: QML

How I fixed wrong colors in my QML app on Android

I removed android:theme from AndroidManifest.xml:

<activity android:name="net.geographx.MainActivity"
    <!-- Splash screen -->
    <meta-data android:name="" android:resource="@drawable/splash"/>
    <!-- Splash screen -->

Make QML menu width fit the content

Found an implementation here and added two pixels:

import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Controls
import QtQuick.Layouts

Menu {
    width: {
        var result = 0;
        var padding = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
            var item = itemAt(i);
            result = Math.max(item.contentItem.implicitWidth, result);
            padding = Math.max(item.padding, padding);
        // It looks like two pixels are missing to remove the ellipsis.
        // My first idea was that it is leftInset + rightInset, but it does not work.
        var missing = 2;
        return result + padding * 2 + missing;

“Cannot anchor to a null item” waring in QML

The following QML code

    id: call

    //margins should bound but not assigned
    anchors.topMargin: root.above ? undefined : yMargin
    anchors.bottomMargin: root.above ? yMargin : undefined


produced “Cannot anchor to a null item” warning and worked incorrectly.

I tried to replace it with AnchorChanges and PropertyChanges:


QML Application Style

There was qtquickcontrols2.conf in the root directory of my app sources with the following content:

; This file can be edited to change the style of the application
; See Styling Qt Quick Controls 2 in the documentation for details:




My experimentation with QML Repeater

I was able to define a Repeater that displays cryptocurrency market orders:


An example of real-time TableView in QML

Looks like CheckBox-es respond to clicks and work correctly even if they are in a TableView that is updated once a second:


Using QML_ELEMENT with CMake

There is an example of using QML_ELEMENT in qt5\qtdeclarative\examples\quick\scenegraph\openglunderqml and qt_add_qml_module in CMake:

    URI OpenGLUnderQML
    VERSION 1.0
    QML_FILES main.qml
    RESOURCE_PREFIX /scenegraph/openglunderqml

In QML it imports the module:

import OpenGLUnderQML 1.0

Dragging a link from a browser to a QML app

When a link is dragged from a browser on Window 10 platform it contains the page title, but they did not make it accessible in QML:

import QtQuick 2.15
import QtQuick.Controls 2.15

ApplicationWindow {
    visible: true
    width: 640
    height: 480
    title: qsTr("Scroll")
    id: root

    DropArea {
        id: dropArea;
        anchors.fill: parent
        onEntered: {
            root.color = "gray";
            drag.accept (Qt.LinkAction);

Assignment a property of type function in QML

It is possible to do this in QML:

    property var refreshChart: function () {}

        refreshChart = function ()

Multiple views with OsgQtQuick

I wrote a sample application using OsgQtQuick that shows the Earth in two views:

with the following QML, that I copied from OsgQtQuick samples:
