Category Archives: PHP

How to remove ID from URL in Joomla 2.5-3.7

There is a new option in Joomla 3.8.2 allowing to get rid of ID in URLs (thanks to Ian who discovered it). If you have an older Joomla version and unable to update to 3.8.2 or higher follow the steps provided below:

Open components\com_content\router.php in an editor and make a small changes:

in function ContentBuildRoute(&$query) replace line 27

$advanced    = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 0);


$advanced    = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 1);

in function ContentParseRoute($segments) replace line 208

$advanced    = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 0);


$advanced    = $params->get('sef_advanced_link', 1);


How to setup Eclipse with PHP Developer Tools and FTP support

Using Eclipse as PHP IDE

After working a little with phpDesigner, I felt that, probably, I need more complex PHP IDE. Because I previously worked with Java applications using Eclipse I decided to add PHP support to my existing Eclipse for Java EE (Helios) installation previously downloaded from I navigated to Help->Install New Software in Eclipse, selected “–All Available Sites—“, searched for “php” and got the same plugin in three different categories:



Adding footers and meta tags to WordPress posts

Adding post footer

There are a lot of plugins for adding footers to WordPress posts and one of them is so called “Add Post URL” plugin written by some Chinese guys. From my perspective, its benefits includes macros support and ability to decide whether or not to display the footer for each post individually. It worked fine for me and I even improved it a little bit. The following code snippet shows how I added “post_id” macro:

$footer_text = $posturl_options['footer_text'];
$footer_text = trim($footer_text);
if (!empty($footer_text))
    //remove_filter( 'the_content', 'wpautop' );
    $post_id = get_the_ID();
    $footer_text = str_replace("%post_id%", $post_id, $footer_text);
    $footer_text = str_replace("%site_url%", site_url('/'), $footer_text);
    $footer_text = str_replace("%site_name%", get_bloginfo('sitename'), $footer_text);
    $footer_text = str_replace("%post_url%", get_permalink(), $footer_text);
    $footer_text = str_replace("%post_title%", the_title('', '', false), $footer_text);
    $footer_text = stripslashes($footer_text);
    $text .= $footer_text;


Getting WordPress multisite work with Windows Live Writer

Windows Live Writer is configured for working with WordPress multi-site the same way as with normal single-site WordPress installation, but WordPress works a bit differently in multi-site and single-site configurations. The difference consists in a few lines of code in wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:

function wp_getUsersBlogs( $args ) {
    global $current_site;
    // If this isn't on WPMU then just use blogger_getUsersBlogs
    if ( !is_multisite() ) {
        array_unshift( $args, 1 );
        return $this->blogger_getUsersBlogs( $args );

    //single-site verion...


How to modify product page title in VirtueMart 1.1.9, Joomla 1.5.23

Function $document->setTitle($title) is called from “administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/mainframe.class.php”:

function setPageTitle( $title ) {
    global $mainframe;
    $title = strip_tags(str_replace(' ',' ', $title));
    $title = trim($title);
    if( defined( '_VM_IS_BACKEND')) {
        echo vmCommonHTML::scriptTag('', "//<![CDATA[
        var vm_page_title=\"".str_replace('"', '\"', $title )."\";
        try{ parent.document.title = vm_page_title; } catch(e) { document.title =vm_page_title; } 
    elseif( vmIsJoomla('1.5') ) {
        $document=& JFactory::getDocument();
    } else {
        $mainframe->setPageTitle( $title );


Progressive discounts in VirtueMart

I did some investigation of VirtueMart 1.1.x discount system and the first thing I did notice is that VirtueMart 1.1.x does not support progressive discounts natively. In other words it does not allow to define the discount based on the amount of products bought or total amount of money paid.
