Author Archives: dmitriano

Mining BEAM with GeForce GTX 1060 3GB on HiveOS

It is still possible to mine BEAM with GeForce GTX 1060 3GB and GMiner on HiveOS. GMiner takes 2862MB on GPU0 and 2850MiB on GPU1-7:


Building and running rippled on Ubuntu.

I successfully build and run rippled 1.1.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 with the following commands:

sudo apt-get -y install git cmake pkg-config protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libssl-dev wget
cd ~Downloads/
cd ..
mkdir lib
cd lib/
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/boost_1_67_0.tar.gz
./b2 -j1
export BOOST_ROOT=/home/xrp/lib/boost_1_67_0
cd ~/repos/
git clone
cd rippled
git tag
git show --summary 1.1.2
git reset --hard 1.1.2
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
cmake --build .
./rippled -u

Setting up time synchronization on Ubuntu

I followed the official Ubuntu time synchronization guide and installed chrony:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install chrony
cat /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
chronyc sources
chronyc sourcestats
sudo systemctl restart chrony.service
apt remove --autoremove chrony


Setting up Ethereum node on Windows 10 and Ubuntu.

After a few attempts I was able to start Ethereum Mist 0.11.1 in ‘fast’ mode on Windows 10:

it downloaded ‘geth’, connected to {“path”:”\\\\.\\pipe\\geth.ipc”} and started to sync, but when sync finished I was unable to send transactions (they were ‘denied’ for some reason).


Checking the speed of my home internet.

I have 50 Mbit internet at home. If I test its speed with I get download speed 56 Mbit/s and upload speed 5.56 Mbit/s that is really good:

and if I download a file with torrent the speed is 6+ MB/s, but if I download a file with HTTP or SFTP the speed can be less than 500 KB/s that is 10 times slower. For example, if I download Ubuntu 18.10 on my VPS the speed is 24 MB/s:


Conversion of S75 charts to GeoJSON with GDAL org2org utility.

The original S57 map consists of the following layers:

ogrinfo E:\temp\ENC_ROOT\US4CA11M\US4CA11M.000
INFO: Open of `E:\temp\ENC_ROOT\US4CA11M\US4CA11M.000'
      using driver `S57' successful.
1: DSID (None)
2: Point (Point)
3: Line (Line String)
4: Area (Polygon)
5: Meta (None)

So I was able to convert each layer separately one by one without errors:

ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON US1HA02M-Area.json E:\temp\ENC_ROOT\US1HA02M\US1HA02M.000 Area -lco RFC7946=YES -skipfailures
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON US1HA02M-Point.json E:\temp\ENC_ROOT\US1HA02M\US1HA02M.000 Point -lco RFC7946=YES -skipfailures
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON US1HA02M-Line.json E:\temp\ENC_ROOT\US1HA02M\US1HA02M.000 Line -lco RFC7946=YES -skipfailures
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON US1HA02M-DSID.json E:\temp\ENC_ROOT\US1HA02M\US1HA02M.000 DSID -lco RFC7946=YES -skipfailures
Warning 1: No SRS set on layer. Assuming it is long/lat on WGS84 ellipsoid
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON US1HA02M-Meta.json E:\temp\ENC_ROOT\US1HA02M\US1HA02M.000 Meta -lco RFC7946=YES -skipfailures
Warning 1: No SRS set on layer. Assuming it is long/lat on WGS84 ellipsoid


Setting up Vue.js development tools on Windows 10.

I installed Node.js and Vue.js cli with the following commands

npm install -g @vue/cli
npm install -g @vue/cli-init

and a sample application with

vue init webpack-simple my-vue-app
cd my-vue-app
npm install
npm run dev


Some GTX 1060 3GB cards have low hashrate with Ethash coins.

Ethash algorithm behaves a bit strange on my mining rig with HiveOS and 8 GTX 1060 3GB. Four MSI ARMOR cards with Sumsung memory (OC +1500 mem) have 24+ MH/s, two other cards (OC +600 mem) have 21+ MH/s and two other slow MSI cards (also OC +600 mem) have only 18+ MH/s. I tried to switch risers, PSU, PCI slots and move the cards across rigs, but with no success.

Today I did a pure experiment. I plugged one of the slow cards to a Windows 10 machine with 1000W PSU directly via PCI slot without riser, started Claymore Miner with Musicoin (that has a lower dag size than Ethereum) and got the same result as before, without OC the card had 15+ MH/s (normally it should be 19+ MH/s):


Molten SATA power connector on a mining rig.

I have a mining rig with 8 GTX 1060 3GB connected via risers, the risers are connected via SATA power connectors to Corsair HX850. When the rig stopped working I noticed that one SATA connector on the PSU is molten:


How I built QT 5.11.1 for Android on Windows

I tried to build QT 5.11.1 for Android on Windows, and “configure.bat” completed successfully, but “mingw32-make” failed with with the following error:

No rule to make target 'vulkan/qvulkanfunctions_p.h', needed by '.obj\qvulkaninstance.obj'.

It is the bug fixed in QT 5.11.2 that is planned on August/September 2018.

When I build the master branch and copied the following files from it to \qtbase\src\gui\vulkan manually:


and started “mingw32-make” again I got another error:
