Throwing an exception from a function parameter in C++

There is no difference between lines 82 and 92 in the code below with both MSVC2022 and GCC11:

#include <utility>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>

struct Object
    virtual const char* name() = 0;

    virtual ~Object() = default;

struct A : public Object
    const char* name() override
        return "A";
struct B : public Object
        throw std::runtime_error("");

    const char* name() override
        return "B";

template <class T>
class MyPtr

    MyPtr(T* p) : m_p(p)
        std::cout << "Created MyPtr<" << m_p->name() << ">" << std::endl;

    MyPtr(const MyPtr& other) = delete;
    MyPtr(MyPtr&& other) noexcept : m_p(other.m_p)
        std::cout << "Move constructor of MyPtr<" << m_p->name() << ">" << std::endl;

        other.m_p = nullptr;

        std::cout << "Destroying MyPtr<" << m_p->name() << ">" << std::endl;

        delete m_p;


    T* m_p;

class Foo

    Foo(MyPtr<B> b, MyPtr<A> a) : m_a(std::move(a)), m_b(std::move(b)) {}


    MyPtr<A> m_a;
    MyPtr<B> m_b;

int main()
        std::cout << "Naked pointer:" << std::endl;
        Foo foo(new B(), new A());
    catch (const std::exception&)

        std::cout << "Smart pointer:" << std::endl;

        Foo foo(MyPtr(new B()), MyPtr(new A()));
    catch (const std::exception&)

    return 0;

The output is:

Naked pointer:
Created MyPtr<A>
Destroying MyPtr<A>
Smart pointer:
Created MyPtr<A>
Destroying MyPtr<A>

Compiling with GCC from the command line:

g++ -std=c++20 -pthread -O3 a.cpp -o a20

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