Using std::shared_ptr in QML

QT is developed by an alien civilization that hate humans. They can’t make std::shared_ptr work in QML since 2014:

but humans can try the following as a workaround:

class SharedGadget

    Q_PROPERTY(QObject* p READ pointer);


    SharedGadget() = default;

    SharedGadget(std::shared_ptr<QObject> p) : m_p(std::move(p)) {}

    template <class T> requires std::is_base_of_v<QObject, T>
    SharedGadget(std::shared_ptr<T> p_t) : SharedGadget(std::static_pointer_cast<QObject>(p_t)) {}


    QObject* pointer() const
        return m_p.get();

    std::shared_ptr<QObject> m_p;


or something that can be a little bit more complicated:

class WeakGadget;
class SharedGadget

    Q_PROPERTY(QObject* p READ pointer CONSTANT);
    Q_PROPERTY(bool empty READ empty CONSTANT);
    Q_PROPERTY(int useCount READ useCount);


    SharedGadget() = default;

    SharedGadget(std::shared_ptr<QObject> p) : m_p(std::move(p)) {}

    template <class T> requires std::is_base_of_v<QObject, T>
    SharedGadget(std::shared_ptr<T> p_t) : SharedGadget(std::static_pointer_cast<QObject>(p_t)) {}

    SharedGadget(const SharedGadget& other) = default;
    SharedGadget(SharedGadget&& other) = default;

    SharedGadget& operator = (const SharedGadget& other) = default;
    SharedGadget& operator = (SharedGadget&& other) = default;

    Q_INVOKABLE SharedGadget clone() const
        return *this;

    Q_INVOKABLE WeakGadget weak() const;

    //For accessing from C++
    const std::shared_ptr<QObject>& sp() const
        return m_p;

    template <class T>
    std::shared_ptr<T> cast() const
        return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(m_p);


    QObject* pointer() const
        return m_p.get();

    bool empty() const
        return m_p == nullptr;

    int useCount() const
        return m_p.use_count();

    std::shared_ptr<QObject> m_p;

class WeakGadget

    Q_PROPERTY(bool empty READ empty CONSTANT);
    Q_PROPERTY(int useCount READ useCount);
    Q_PROPERTY(bool expired READ expired);


    WeakGadget() = default;

    WeakGadget(std::weak_ptr<QObject> p) : m_p(std::move(p)) {}

    template <class T> requires std::is_base_of_v<QObject, T>
    WeakGadget(std::weak_ptr<T> p_t) : SharedGadget(std::static_pointer_cast<QObject>(p_t)) {}

    WeakGadget(const WeakGadget& other) = default;
    WeakGadget(WeakGadget&& other) = default;

    WeakGadget& operator = (const WeakGadget& other) = default;
    WeakGadget& operator = (WeakGadget&& other) = default;

    Q_INVOKABLE WeakGadget clone() const
        return *this;

    Q_INVOKABLE SharedGadget lock() const
        return m_p.lock();

    Q_INVOKABLE SharedGadget safeLock() const
        std::shared_ptr<QObject> p = m_p.lock();

        if (!p)
            throw std::runtime_error("Non-null pointer expected.");

        return p;

    //For accessing from C++
    const std::weak_ptr<QObject>& sp() const
        return m_p;

    template <class T>
    std::weak_ptr<T> cast() const
        return std::dynamic_pointer_cast<T>(m_p);


    bool empty() const
        using wt = std::weak_ptr<QObject>;
        return !m_p.owner_before(wt{}) && !wt{}.owner_before(m_p);

    int useCount() const
        return m_p.use_count();

    bool expired() const
        return m_p.expired();

    std::weak_ptr<QObject> m_p;

inline WeakGadget SharedGadget::weak() const
    return WeakGadget(m_p);


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