Sharing Android phone over TCP with ADB

I was able to share my Android phone over TCP with the following commands:

adb kill-server
start cmd /k adb -a -P 5037 nodaemon server start

This opened a new console with the following output:

adb I 05-29 17:22:33 42260 48576 auth.cpp:416] adb_auth_init...
adb I 05-29 17:22:33 42260 48576 auth.cpp:152] loaded new key from 'C:\Users\eWX1231441\.android\adbkey' with fingerprint EF320D2D672D063FE1B22FEF1F6BAB1C7F3E1D1C1AD3C08D2B2EC9A20CA386E6
adb I 05-29 17:22:33 42260 29804 transport.cpp:335] 405: read thread spawning
adb I 05-29 17:22:33 42260 38240 transport.cpp:307] 405: write thread spawning
adb I 05-29 17:22:33 42260 48576 adb.cpp:172] 405: already offline
adb I 05-29 17:23:12 42260 29804 transport.cpp:339] 405: read failed: Input/output error
adb I 05-29 17:23:12 42260 29804 transport.cpp:1248] 405: connection terminated: read failed
adb I 05-29 17:23:12 42260 48576 adb.cpp:176] 405: offline
adb E 05-29 17:23:12 42260 38240 transport_usb.cpp:166] remote usb: 1 - write terminated: Input/output error
adb I 05-29 17:23:12 42260 48576 transport.cpp:931] destroying transport 405
adb I 05-29 17:23:12 42260 48576 transport.cpp:407] BlockingConnectionAdapter(405): stopping
adb I 05-29 17:23:12 42260 48576 transport.cpp:425] BlockingConnectionAdapter(405): stopped
adb I 05-29 17:23:12 42260 48576 transport.cpp:294] BlockingConnectionAdapter(405): destructing
adb I 05-29 17:23:12 42260 48576 transport.cpp:400] BlockingConnectionAdapter(405): already stopped
adb I 05-29 17:23:13 42260 47580 transport.cpp:335] 405: read thread spawning
adb I 05-29 17:23:13 42260 49352 transport.cpp:307] 405: write thread spawning
adb I 05-29 17:23:13 42260 48576 adb.cpp:172] 405: already offline

Then I typed this:

adb tcpip 5555
adb forward tcp:5555 tcp:5555

Also I used the following command

netstat -ano | findstr :5037

to check if adb started or not.

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