QML Application Style

There was qtquickcontrols2.conf in the root directory of my app sources with the following content:

; This file can be edited to change the style of the application
; See Styling Qt Quick Controls 2 in the documentation for details:
; https://doc.qt.io/qt-6/qtquickcontrols2-styles.html




But I removed it and added the following line into my source code:

#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include <QQuickStyle>

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);


    QQmlApplicationEngine engine;

    return app.exec();

Also I removed qtquickcontrols2.conf from CMakeLists.txt:

qt_add_resources(${PROJECT_NAME} "icons"

but added Qt6::QuickControls2.

After that I realized that the style can be set with environment variables that is probably better because it does not require qtquickcontrols2 to be linked explicitly.

I am not sure it is a QT bug or not, but when I clear app data on an Android device with Dark theme and restart the app I get this:

2 Responses to QML Application Style

  1. dmitriano says:

    Can QML caching in Qt 5.8 be disabled for a particular project?
    Add QML_DISABLE_DISK_CACHE (set to 1) to your environment variables. You should be able to do it inside your application via qputenv — put it somewhere in main before loading QML content.

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