Compiling MSOpenTech ANGLE project

ANGLE is a wrapper library that implements OpenGL ES API (version 2.0 and parts of 3.0) and translates OpenGL ES calls to their DirectX equivalents. See for more information.

There are two options how to use ANGLE: install its binaries as a NuGet package or compile it from the source code. I believe that cool software developers, like real heroes, never search easy ways, so I decided to compile ANGLE from the source code with VS2015 Community.

First I cloned the repository and ensured that my branch is ms-master:

ANGLE project in VS2015ANGLE project in VS2015

Then I successfully built solution angle\winrt\10\src\angle.sln (like a real hero of cause). The result of this feat were two DLLs in Debug_Win32 subfolder: libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll and the following libraries in Debug_Win32/lib: angle_common.lib  libANGLE.lib  libEGL.exp  libEGL.lib  libGLESv2.exp  libGLESv2.lib  preprocessor.lib  translator.lib  translator_lib.lib  translator_static.lib.

The most of the samples in angle\samples\samples.sln solution also built fine. Typical sample application includes the following headers:

#include <EGL/egl.h>
#include <EGL/eglext.h>

and use some CreateOSWindow() function from angle\util\OSWindow.h for creating a top-level window that hosts the OpenGL surface. It can be Win32Window, WinRTWindow, OSXWindow or X11Window.

Below I provided screenshots of some sample applications.

multi_window sample

multi_window sample

it creates five top-level windows with the following code:

const size_t numWindows = 5;
for (size_t i = 1; i < numWindows; i++)
    window window;

    window.osWindow = CreateOSWindow();
    if (!window.osWindow->initialize("MultiWindow", 256, 256))
        return false;

    window.surface = eglCreateWindowSurface(getDisplay(), getConfig(), window.osWindow->getNativeWindow(), nullptr);
    if (window.surface == EGL_NO_SURFACE)
        return false;



and uses some interesting construct for embedding the shader source code into C++:

const std::string vs = SHADER_SOURCE
    attribute vec4 vPosition;
    void main()
        gl_Position = vPosition;

multiple_draw_buffers sample

multiple_draw_buffers sample

multi_texture sample

multi_texture sample

1 Response to Compiling MSOpenTech ANGLE project

  1. superadmin says:

    Looks like ANGLE does not support antialiasing at the moment. At least this does not work with ANGLE. eglChooseConfig() function fails with EGL_SAMPLE_BUFFERS = 1 all the time. Search “sampleBuffers” in ANGLE source code shows “FIXME: enumerate multi-sampling” etc., so looks like it is not implemented yet. Finally there is the following function in the ANGLE sources:

    GLsizei SurfaceRenderTarget11::getSamples() const
    // Our EGL surfaces do not support multisampling.
    return 0;

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