Category Archives: Databases

Oracle Database Cold Backup and Restore Script

In 2008 when I worked with some Oracle databases under Solaris and AIX, I spent some time to figure out how to make the database backup and restore and decided to use cold backup as the most straightforward method. As far as I remember, to backup the database I shutted down Oracle and then simply archive the database files using “zip” command. To restore the database I used the following shell script that extracts archived files and adjust some Oracle settings:


Using ADO.NET Entity Framework with MySQL

In general, getting EF work with MySQL is a fairly simple task, that could be accomplished by downloading and installing ADO.NET driver for MySQL. But what concerns to me, it taken me about four hours to clarify some MySQL-specific details that affect generation of associations in Model Designer. Also after doing an experimentation with the code I realized that ADO.NET driver for MySQL, as well as other third party ADO.NET drivers, do not support “MARS” and, as far as I see, this significant restriction makes EF unusable with MySQL in large real-life projects. Please read below if you interested in more information on this questions.