Category Archives: XRP

Sending XRP with JavaScript

const read = require('read').read;
const send = require('./send');

async function asyncMain()
  const amount = await read({
    prompt: "Amount: "

  const password = await read({
    prompt: "Password: ",
    silent: true,
    replace: "*" //optional, will print out an asterisk for every typed character 

  // console.log("Amount: " + amount);
  // console.log("Your password: " + password);

Building and running rippled on Ubuntu.

I successfully build and run rippled 1.1.2 on Ubuntu 18.04 with the following commands:

sudo apt-get -y install git cmake pkg-config protobuf-compiler libprotobuf-dev libssl-dev wget
cd ~Downloads/
cd ..
mkdir lib
cd lib/
tar xvzf ~/Downloads/boost_1_67_0.tar.gz
./b2 -j1
export BOOST_ROOT=/home/xrp/lib/boost_1_67_0
cd ~/repos/
git clone
cd rippled
git tag
git show --summary 1.1.2
git reset --hard 1.1.2
mkdir build
cd build/
cmake ..
cmake --build .
./rippled -u