contains this:
# Ensure we are using the shared version of libc++
message(FATAL_ERROR "The Qt libraries on Android only supports the shared library configuration of stl. Please use -DANDROID_STL=\"c++_shared\" as configuration argument.")
and looks like -static-runtime
works only for Windows.
I added -c++std c++20 -static -no-openssl
to the configuration and removed -separate-debug-info
set "CMAKE_ROOT=E:\PFiles\cmake-3.21.3-windows-x86_64\bin"
set "NINJA_ROOT=E:\PFiles\ninja-win"
set "JDK_ROOT=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_301\bin"
set "MINGW_ROOT=E:\PFiles\mingw-w64\x86_64-8.1.0-posix-seh-rt_v6-rev0\mingw64\bin"
set "PERL_ROOT=E:\PFiles\Strawberry\perl\bin"
set PATH=E:\PFiles\Python35;%PATH%
rem Check if the tools are in PATH
where gcc
where mingw32-make.exe
where perl.exe
where javac.exe
where python.exe
where cmake.exe
where ninja.exe
set "ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk"
set "ANDROID_NDK_PATH=C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\22.1.7171670"
set MY_INSTALL_PATH=E:\Qt\Qt6.2.2\android
set QT_HOST_PATH=E:\Qt\Qt6.2.2\windows
configure.bat -platform win32-msvc -xplatform android-clang -prefix %MY_INSTALL_PATH% -qt-host-path %QT_HOST_PATH% ^
-c++std c++20 -static -no-openssl ^
-DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1 -release -force-debug-info -opensource -confirm-license ^
-android-sdk %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT% -android-ndk %ANDROID_NDK_PATH% -android-ndk-platform android-23 -android-abis x86_64 ^
-skip qt3d -skip qt5compat -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcharts -skip qtcoap -skip qtconnectivity ^
-skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdoc -skip qtlottie -skip qtmqtt -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtopcua ^
-skip qtserialport -skip qtpositioning -skip qtquicktimeline -skip qtquick3d -skip qtremoteobjects ^
-skip qtscxml -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialbus -skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebsockets ^
-skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview ^
1> E:\temp\config-log15.txt 2>&1
But build failed:
FAILED: qtbase/bin/liblinguist_x86_64.so
cmd.exe /C "cd . && C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\22.1.7171670\toolchains\llvm\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\clang++.exe --target=x86_64-none-linux-android23 --gcc-toolchain=C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64 --sysroot=C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot -fPIC -g -DANDROID -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -g -DNDEBUG -Oz -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc_real.a -Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a -Wl,--build-id=sha1 -Wl,--no-rosegment -Wl,--fatal-warnings -Wl,--no-undefined -Qunused-arguments -Wl,--gc-sections -shared -o qtbase\bin\liblinguist_x86_64.so @CMakeFiles\linguist.rsp && cd ."
ld: error: duplicate symbol: JNI_OnLoad
>>> defined at qjnihelpers.cpp:382 (E:/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel\qjnihelpers.cpp:382)
>>> qjnihelpers.cpp.o:(JNI_OnLoad) in archive qtbase/lib/libQt6Core_x86_64.a
>>> defined at androidjnimain.cpp:897 (E:/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/android\androidjnimain.cpp:897)
>>> androidjnimain.cpp.o:(.text.JNI_OnLoad+0x0) in archive qtbase/plugins/platforms/libqtforandroid_x86_64.a
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
[4306/4984] Automatic MOC and UIC for target Designer
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
I tired to exclude qttools
module and qttranslations
module that depends on it:
configure.bat -platform win32-msvc -xplatform android-clang -prefix %MY_INSTALL_PATH% -qt-host-path %QT_HOST_PATH% ^
-c++std c++20 -static -no-openssl ^
-DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1 -release -force-debug-info -opensource -confirm-license ^
-android-sdk %ANDROID_SDK_ROOT% -android-ndk %ANDROID_NDK_PATH% -android-ndk-platform android-23 -android-abis x86_64 ^
-skip qt3d -skip qt5compat -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcharts -skip qtcoap -skip qtconnectivity ^
-skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdoc -skip qtlottie -skip qtmqtt -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtopcua ^
-skip qtserialport -skip qtpositioning -skip qtquicktimeline -skip qtquick3d -skip qtremoteobjects ^
-skip qtscxml -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialbus -skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebsockets ^
-skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview -skip qttools -skip qttranslations ^
1> E:\temp\config-log16.txt 2>&1
it printed the following:
+ cd qtbase
+ E:\repos\qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2\qtbase\configure.bat -top-level -platform win32-msvc -xplatform android-clang -prefix E:\Qt\Qt6.2.2\android -qt-host-path E:\Qt\Qt6.2.2\windows -c++std c++20 -static -no-openssl -DQT_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1 -release -force-debug-info -opensource -confirm-license -android-sdk C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk -android-ndk C:\Users\D-Ef\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\ndk\22.1.7171670 -android-ndk-platform android-23 -android-abis x86_64 -skip qt3d -skip qt5compat -skip qtactiveqt -skip qtcharts -skip qtcoap -skip qtconnectivity -skip qtdatavis3d -skip qtdoc -skip qtlottie -skip qtmqtt -skip qtnetworkauth -skip qtopcua -skip qtserialport -skip qtpositioning -skip qtquicktimeline -skip qtquick3d -skip qtremoteobjects -skip qtscxml -skip qtsensors -skip qtserialbus -skip qtvirtualkeyboard -skip qtwayland -skip qtwebsockets -skip qtwebchannel -skip qtwebengine -skip qtwebview -skip qttools -skip qttranslations
'E:/PFiles/cmake-3.21.3-windows-x86_64/bin/cmake.exe' '-DQT_HOST_PATH=E://Qt//Qt6.2.2//windows' '-DBUILD_qt3d=OFF' '-DBUILD_qt5compat=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtactiveqt=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtcharts=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtcoap=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtconnectivity=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtdatavis3d=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtdoc=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtlottie=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtmqtt=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtnetworkauth=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtopcua=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtserialport=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtpositioning=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtquicktimeline=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtquick3d=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtremoteobjects=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtscxml=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtsensors=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtserialbus=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtvirtualkeyboard=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtwayland=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtwebsockets=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtwebchannel=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtwebengine=OFF' '-DBUILD_qtwebview=OFF' '-DBUILD_qttools=OFF' '-DBUILD_qttranslations=OFF' '-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF' '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=E://Qt//Qt6.2.2//android' '-DQT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC=win32-msvc' '-DQT_QMAKE_TARGET_MKSPEC=android-clang' '-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=cl' '-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=cl' '-DANDROID_SDK_ROOT=C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk' '-DANDROID_NDK_ROOT=C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk//ndk//22.1.7171670' '-DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=23' '-DANDROID_ABI=x86_64' '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo' '-DQT_EXTRA_DEFINES=QT_NO_EXCEPTIONS=1' '-DINPUT_cxx14=yes' '-DINPUT_cxx17=yes' '-DINPUT_cxx20=yes' '-DINPUT_openssl=no' '-G' 'Ninja' 'E:/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2'
-- Android toolchain file within NDK detected: C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk//ndk//22.1.7171670/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake
-- Android build detected, checking configuration defaults...
-- The CXX compiler identification is Clang 11.0.5
-- The C compiler identification is Clang 11.0.5
-- The ASM compiler identification is Clang
-- Found assembler: C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/clang.exe
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/clang++.exe - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/clang.exe - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
Checking dependencies of 'qtbase'
Checking dependencies of 'qtshadertools'
Checking dependencies of 'qtsvg'
Checking dependencies of 'qtimageformats'
Checking dependencies of 'qtdeclarative'
Checking dependencies of 'qtmultimedia'
Configuring 'qtbase'
-- Using Android SDK API android-31 from C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk/platforms
-- Found Java: C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_301/bin/java.exe (found suitable version "", minimum required is "1.8") found components: Development
-- Check for feature set changes
-- Building architecture extraction project with the following CMake arguments:
-- Extracting architecture info from E:/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2/qtbase/config.tests/arch/architecture_test.
-- Performing Test HAVE_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT - Success
-- CMAKE_VERSION: "3.21.3"
-- CMAKE_HOST_SYSTEM: "Windows-10.0.19043"
-- CMAKE_SYSTEM: "Android"
-- CMAKE_C_COMPILER: "C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/clang.exe" (11.0.5)
-- CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: "C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/clang++.exe" (11.0.5)
-- ANDROID_NDK: "C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670"
-- ANDROID_ABI: "x86_64"
-- ANDROID_PLATFORM: "android-23"
-- ANDROID_STL: "c++_shared"
-- ANDROID_ARM_MODE: "thumb"
-- ANDROID_LLVM_TRIPLE: "x86_64-none-linux-android23"
-- Found ZLIB: C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-android/libz.a (found suitable version "1.2.11", minimum required is "1.0.8")
-- Found WrapZLIB: TRUE (Required is at least version "1.0.8")
-- Could NOT find ZSTD: Found unsuitable version "", but required is at least "1.3" (found ZSTD_LIBRARY-NOTFOUND)
-- Could NOT find WrapDBus1 (missing: DBus1_LIBRARY DBus1_INCLUDE_DIR WrapDBus1_FOUND) (Required is at least version "1.2")
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx14
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx14 - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx17
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx17 - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx20
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx20 - Success
-- Performing Test precompiled header support
-- Performing Test precompiled header support - Success
-- Performing Test TEST_use_bfd_linker
-- Performing Test TEST_use_bfd_linker - Success
-- Performing Test TEST_use_gold_linker
-- Performing Test TEST_use_gold_linker - Success
-- Performing Test TEST_use_lld_linker
-- Performing Test TEST_use_lld_linker - Success
-- Performing Test TEST_optimize_debug
-- Performing Test TEST_optimize_debug - Success
-- Performing Test TEST_enable_new_dtags
-- Performing Test TEST_enable_new_dtags - Success
-- Performing Test TEST_gdb_index
-- Performing Test TEST_gdb_index - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_reduce_relocations
-- Performing Test HAVE_reduce_relocations - Success
-- Performing Test separate debug information support
-- Performing Test separate debug information support - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_signaling_nan
-- Performing Test HAVE_signaling_nan - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test SSE2 instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test SSE2 instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test SSE3 instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test SSE3 instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test SSSE3 instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test SSSE3 instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test SSE4.1 instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test SSE4.1 instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test SSE4.2 instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test SSE4.2 instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AES new instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AES new instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test F16C instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test F16C instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test RDRAND instruction
-- Performing SIMD Test RDRAND instruction - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test RDSEED instruction
-- Performing SIMD Test RDSEED instruction - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test SHA new instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test SHA new instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX2 instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX2 instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 F instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 F instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 ER instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 ER instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 CD instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 CD instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 PF instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 PF instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 DQ instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 DQ instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 BW instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 BW instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 VL instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 VL instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 IFMA instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 IFMA instructions - Success
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 VBMI instructions
-- Performing SIMD Test AVX512 VBMI instructions - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_posix_fallocate
-- Performing Test HAVE_posix_fallocate - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_alloca_stdlib_h
-- Performing Test HAVE_alloca_stdlib_h - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_alloca_h
-- Performing Test HAVE_alloca_h - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_alloca_malloc_h
-- Performing Test HAVE_alloca_malloc_h - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_stack_protector
-- Performing Test HAVE_stack_protector - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_intelcet
-- Performing Test HAVE_intelcet - Failed
-- Looking for backtrace
-- Looking for backtrace - not found
-- Could NOT find Backtrace (missing: Backtrace_LIBRARY Backtrace_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find double-conversion (missing: double-conversion_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapDoubleConversion (missing: WrapDoubleConversion_FOUND)
-- Found the following ICU libraries:
-- i18n (required)
-- uc (required)
-- data (required)
-- Failed to find all ICU components (missing: ICU_LIBRARY) (found version "66.1")
-- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC
-- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC - Success
-- Found WrapAtomic: TRUE
-- Could NOT find Libb2 (missing: LIBB2_LIBRARY LIBB2_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Performing Test HAVE_GETTIME
-- Performing Test HAVE_GETTIME - Success
-- Found WrapRt: TRUE
-- Could NOT find WrapSystemPCRE2 (missing: PCRE2_LIBRARIES PCRE2_INCLUDE_DIRS __pcre2_found) (Required is at least version "10.20")
-- Could NOT find Slog2 (missing: Slog2_INCLUDE_DIR Slog2_LIBRARY)
-- Performing Test HAVE_atomicfptr
-- Performing Test HAVE_atomicfptr - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_clock_monotonic
-- Performing Test HAVE_clock_monotonic - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_cloexec
-- Performing Test HAVE_cloexec - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx11_future
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx11_future - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx11_random
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx11_random - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx17_filesystem
-- Performing Test HAVE_cxx17_filesystem - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_eventfd
-- Performing Test HAVE_eventfd - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_futimens
-- Performing Test HAVE_futimens - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_futimes
-- Performing Test HAVE_futimes - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_getauxval
-- Performing Test HAVE_getauxval - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_getentropy
-- Performing Test HAVE_getentropy - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_glibc
-- Performing Test HAVE_glibc - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_inotify
-- Performing Test HAVE_inotify - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_ipc_sysv
-- Performing Test HAVE_ipc_sysv - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_ipc_posix
-- Performing Test HAVE_ipc_posix - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_linkat
-- Performing Test HAVE_linkat - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_ppoll
-- Performing Test HAVE_ppoll - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_pollts
-- Performing Test HAVE_pollts - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_poll
-- Performing Test HAVE_poll - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_renameat2
-- Performing Test HAVE_renameat2 - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_statx
-- Performing Test HAVE_statx - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_syslog
-- Performing Test HAVE_syslog - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_xlocalescanprint
-- Performing Test HAVE_xlocalescanprint - Failed
-- Could NOT find WrapBrotli (missing: BrotliDec_FOUND BrotliEnc_FOUND BrotliCommon_FOUND)
-- Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the system variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR (missing: OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapOpenSSLHeaders (missing: OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the system variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR (missing: OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapOpenSSLHeaders (missing: OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Performing Test HAVE_getifaddrs
-- Performing Test HAVE_getifaddrs - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_ifr_index
-- Performing Test HAVE_ifr_index - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_ipv6ifname
-- Performing Test HAVE_ipv6ifname - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_linux_netlink
-- Performing Test HAVE_linux_netlink - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_sctp
-- Performing Test HAVE_sctp - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_networklistmanager
-- Performing Test HAVE_networklistmanager - Failed
-- Could NOT find Libdrm (missing: Libdrm_LIBRARY Libdrm_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Performing Test HAVE_EGL
-- Performing Test HAVE_EGL - Success
-- Found EGL: C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include (found version "1.5")
-- Could NOT find WrapSystemFreetype (missing: __freetype_found) (Required is at least version "2.2.0")
-- Could NOT find Fontconfig (missing: Fontconfig_LIBRARY Fontconfig_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find gbm (missing: gbm_LIBRARY gbm_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapSystemHarfbuzz (missing: HARFBUZZ_LIBRARIES HARFBUZZ_INCLUDE_DIRS) (Required is at least version "2.6.0")
-- Could NOT find Libinput (missing: Libinput_LIBRARY Libinput_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find md4c (missing: md4c_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapSystemPNG (missing: __png_found)
-- Could NOT find WrapOpenGL (missing: WrapOpenGL_FOUND)
-- Performing Test HAVE_GLESv2
-- Performing Test HAVE_GLESv2 - Success
-- Found GLESv2: C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include
-- Found WrapVulkanHeaders: C:/Users/D-Ef/AppData/Local/Android/Sdk/ndk/22.1.7171670/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/sysroot/usr/include
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_brcm
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_brcm - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_egldevice
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_egldevice - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_mali
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_mali - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_mali_2
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_mali_2 - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_viv
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_viv - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_openwfd
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_openwfd - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_rcar
-- Performing Test HAVE_egl_rcar - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_evdev
-- Performing Test HAVE_evdev - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_integrityfb
-- Performing Test HAVE_integrityfb - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_linuxfb
-- Performing Test HAVE_linuxfb - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_opengles3
-- Performing Test HAVE_opengles3 - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_opengles31
-- Performing Test HAVE_opengles31 - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_opengles32
-- Performing Test HAVE_opengles32 - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_directwrite
-- Performing Test HAVE_directwrite - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_directwrite3
-- Performing Test HAVE_directwrite3 - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_d2d1
-- Performing Test HAVE_d2d1 - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_d2d1_1
-- Performing Test HAVE_d2d1_1 - Failed
-- Searching for tool 'Qt6::moc' in package Qt6CoreTools.
-- Qt6::moc was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/moc.exe using package Qt6CoreTools.
-- Tool 'Qt6::rcc' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/rcc.exe.
-- Tool 'Qt6::tracegen' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/tracegen.exe.
-- Tool 'Qt6::cmake_automoc_parser' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/cmake_automoc_parser.exe.
-- Looking for pthread.h
-- Looking for pthread.h - found
-- Performing Test CMAKE_HAVE_LIBC_PTHREAD - Failed
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthreads - not found
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread
-- Looking for pthread_create in pthread - not found
-- Check if compiler accepts -pthread
-- Check if compiler accepts -pthread - yes
-- Found Threads: TRUE
-- Using Qt bundled PCRE2.
-- Found WrapPCRE2: TRUE
-- Using source syncqt found at: E:/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2/qtbase/libexec/syncqt.pl
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtCore'
-- Could NOT find Backtrace (missing: Backtrace_LIBRARY Backtrace_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find double-conversion (missing: double-conversion_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapDoubleConversion (missing: WrapDoubleConversion_FOUND)
-- Found the following ICU libraries:
-- i18n (required)
-- uc (required)
-- data (required)
-- Failed to find all ICU components (missing: ICU_LIBRARY) (found version "66.1")
-- Could NOT find Libb2 (missing: LIBB2_LIBRARY LIBB2_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapSystemPCRE2 (missing: PCRE2_LIBRARIES PCRE2_INCLUDE_DIRS __pcre2_found) (Required is at least version "10.20")
-- Could NOT find Slog2 (missing: Slog2_INCLUDE_DIR Slog2_LIBRARY)
CMake Warning at qtbase/src/corelib/CMakeLists.txt:1230 (message):
xmlstarlet was not found. freedesktop.org.xml will not be minified!
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtConcurrent'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtSql'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtNetwork'
-- Could NOT find WrapBrotli (missing: BrotliDec_FOUND BrotliEnc_FOUND BrotliCommon_FOUND)
-- Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the system variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR (missing: OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapOpenSSLHeaders (missing: OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find OpenSSL, try to set the path to OpenSSL root folder in the system variable OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR (missing: OPENSSL_CRYPTO_LIBRARY OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapOpenSSLHeaders (missing: OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtXml'
-- Searching for tool 'Qt6::uic' in package Qt6WidgetsTools.
-- Qt6::uic was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/uic.exe using package Qt6WidgetsTools.
-- Tool 'Qt6::qlalr' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/qlalr.exe.
-- Tool 'Qt6::qvkgen' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/qvkgen.exe.
-- Tool 'Qt6::qtpaths' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/bin/qtpaths.exe.
-- Could NOT find X11_XCB (missing: X11_XCB_LIBRARY X11_XCB_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Using Qt bundled Harfbuzz.
-- Found WrapHarfbuzz: TRUE
-- Using Qt bundled PNG.
-- Found WrapPNG: TRUE
-- Using Qt bundled Freetype.
-- Found WrapFreetype: TRUE
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtGui'
-- Could NOT find Libdrm (missing: Libdrm_LIBRARY Libdrm_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapSystemFreetype (missing: __freetype_found) (Required is at least version "2.2.0")
-- Could NOT find Fontconfig (missing: Fontconfig_LIBRARY Fontconfig_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find gbm (missing: gbm_LIBRARY gbm_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapSystemHarfbuzz (missing: HARFBUZZ_LIBRARIES HARFBUZZ_INCLUDE_DIRS) (Required is at least version "2.6.0")
-- Could NOT find Libinput (missing: Libinput_LIBRARY Libinput_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find md4c (missing: md4c_DIR)
-- Could NOT find WrapSystemPNG (missing: __png_found)
-- Could NOT find WrapOpenGL (missing: WrapOpenGL_FOUND)
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtOpenGL'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtWidgets'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtOpenGLWidgets'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtDeviceDiscoverySupport'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtFbSupport'
-- Could NOT find Libinput (missing: Libinput_LIBRARY Libinput_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find XKB (missing: XKB_LIBRARY XKB_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtInputSupport'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtTest'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtPrintSupport'
-- Could NOT find Cups (missing: CUPS_LIBRARIES CUPS_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find DB2 (missing: DB2_INCLUDE_DIR DB2_LIBRARY)
-- Could NOT find MySQL (missing: MySQL_LIBRARY MySQL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find PostgreSQL (missing: PostgreSQL_LIBRARY PostgreSQL_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find Oracle (missing: Oracle_LIBRARY Oracle_INCLUDE_DIR)
-- Could NOT find SQLite3 (missing: SQLite3_INCLUDE_DIR SQLite3_LIBRARY)
-- Could NOT find Interbase (missing: Interbase_LIBRARY Interbase_INCLUDE_DIR)
Generating Plugins files for BundledLibpng;BundledFreetype;BundledHarfbuzz;BundledPcre2;Core;Concurrent;Sql;Network;Xml;Gui;OpenGL;Widgets;OpenGLWidgets;DeviceDiscoverySupportPrivate;FbSupportPrivate;InputSupportPrivate;Test;PrintSupport...
Configuring 'qtshadertools'
-- Using Android SDK API android-31 from C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk/platforms
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtShaderTools'
-- Searching for tool 'Qt6::qsb' in package Qt6ShaderToolsTools.
-- Qt6::qsb was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/bin/qsb.exe using package Qt6ShaderToolsTools.
Generating Plugins files for BundledGlslang_Spirv;BundledGlslang_Osdependent;BundledGlslang_Oglcompiler;BundledGlslang_Glslang;BundledSpirv_Cross;ShaderTools...
Configuring 'qtsvg'
-- Using Android SDK API android-31 from C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk/platforms
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtSvg'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtSvgWidgets'
Generating Plugins files for Svg;SvgWidgets...
Configuring 'qtimageformats'
-- Using Android SDK API android-31 from C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk/platforms
-- Could NOT find WrapWebP (missing: WebP_INCLUDE_DIR WebP_LIBRARY WebP_demux_INCLUDE_DIR WebP_demux_LIBRARY WebP_mux_INCLUDE_DIR WebP_mux_LIBRARY)
-- Could NOT find Libmng (missing: LIBMNG_LIBRARY LIBMNG_INCLUDE_DIR)
Generating Plugins files for ...
Configuring 'qtdeclarative'
-- Using Android SDK API android-31 from C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk/platforms
-- Found PythonInterp: E:/PFiles/Python35/python.exe (found version "3.5.4")
-- Searching for tool 'Qt6::qmltyperegistrar' in package Qt6QmlTools.
-- Qt6::qmltyperegistrar was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/qmltyperegistrar.exe using package Qt6QmlTools.
-- Performing Test HAVE_pointer_32bit
-- Performing Test HAVE_pointer_32bit - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_pointer_64bit
-- Performing Test HAVE_pointer_64bit - Success
-- Performing Test HAVE_arm_thumb
-- Performing Test HAVE_arm_thumb - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_arm_fp
-- Performing Test HAVE_arm_fp - Success
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQml'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQmlModels'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQmlCore'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQmlWorkerScript'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQmlLocalStorage'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQmlXmlListModel'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuick'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickShapes'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickLayouts'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickTest'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickTestUtils'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickParticles'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickWidgets'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickTemplates2'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickControls2Impl'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickControls2'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickDialogs2Utils'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickDialogs2QuickImpl'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickDialogs2'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQuickControlsTestUtils'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtLabsSettings'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtLabsQmlModels'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtLabsFolderListModel'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtLabsAnimation'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtLabsWavefrontMesh'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtLabsSharedImage'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtPacketProtocol'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQmlDom'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQmlCompiler'
-- Tool 'Qt6::qmlcachegen' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/qmlcachegen.exe.
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtQmlDebug'
-- Tool 'Qt6::qmldom' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/bin/qmldom.exe.
-- Tool 'Qt6::qmllint' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/bin/qmllint.exe.
-- Tool 'Qt6::qmlimportscanner' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/./bin/qmlimportscanner.exe.
-- Tool 'Qt6::qmlformat' was found at E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/windows/bin/qmlformat.exe.
Generating Plugins files for Qml;QmlModels;QmlCore;QmlWorkerScript;QmlLocalStorage;QmlXmlListModel;Quick;QuickShapesPrivate;QuickLayouts;QuickTest;QuickTestUtilsPrivate;QuickParticlesPrivate;QuickWidgets;QuickTemplates2;QuickControls2Impl;QuickControls2;QuickDialogs2Utils;QuickDialogs2QuickImpl;QuickDialogs2;QuickControlsTestUtilsPrivate;LabsSettings;LabsQmlModels;LabsFolderListModel;LabsAnimation;LabsWavefrontMesh;LabsSharedImage;PacketProtocolPrivate;QmlDevToolsPrivate;QmlDomPrivate;QmlCompilerPrivate;QmlDebugPrivate...
Configuring 'qt3d'
Configuring 'qt5compat'
Configuring 'qtactiveqt'
Configuring 'qtmultimedia'
-- Using Android SDK API android-31 from C://Users//D-Ef//AppData//Local//Android//Sdk/platforms
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtMultimedia'
QtMultimedia: created deprecated header(s) { qtmultimediadefs.h }
-- Could NOT find AVFoundation (missing: AVFoundation_LIBRARY)
-- Could NOT find WrapPulseAudio (missing: PULSEAUDIO_LIBRARY PULSEAUDIO_INCLUDE_DIR WrapPulseAudio_FOUND)
-- Performing Test evr.h
-- Performing Test evr.h - Failed
-- Performing Test Vivante GPU
-- Performing Test Vivante GPU - Failed
-- Performing Test Video for Linux
-- Performing Test Video for Linux - Success
-- Performing Test wmsdk.h
-- Performing Test wmsdk.h - Failed
-- Performing Test HAVE_linux_dmabuf
-- Performing Test HAVE_linux_dmabuf - Failed
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtMultimediaQuick'
-- Running syncqt for module: 'QtMultimediaWidgets'
Generating Plugins files for Multimedia;MultimediaQuickPrivate;MultimediaWidgets...
Configuring 'qtcharts'
Configuring 'qtcoap'
Configuring 'qtconnectivity'
Configuring 'qtdatavis3d'
Configuring 'qttools'
Configuring 'qtdoc'
Configuring 'qtlottie'
Configuring 'qtmqtt'
Configuring 'qtnetworkauth'
Configuring 'qtopcua'
Configuring 'qtserialport'
Configuring 'qtpositioning'
Configuring 'qtquicktimeline'
Configuring 'qtquick3d'
Configuring 'qtremoteobjects'
Configuring 'qtscxml'
Configuring 'qtsensors'
Configuring 'qtserialbus'
Configuring 'qttranslations'
Configuring 'qtvirtualkeyboard'
Configuring 'qtwayland'
Configuring 'qtwebsockets'
Configuring 'qtwebchannel'
Configuring 'qtwebengine'
Configuring 'qtwebview'
-- The following packages have been found:
* QtBuildInternals
* Qt6Xml (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6OpenGLWidgets (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6Sql (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6Concurrent (required version >= 6.2.2)
* PythonInterp
* Qt6BuildInternals (required version >= 6.2.2)
* WrapAtomic
* WrapPCRE2
* WrapRt
* Qt6CoreTools (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6Core (required version >= 6.2.2)
* GLESv2
* WrapPNG
* WrapHarfbuzz
* WrapFreetype
* Qt6Gui (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6Network (required version >= 6.2.2)
* WrapZLIB (required version >= 1.0.8)
* Qt6Svg (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6WidgetsTools (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6Widgets (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6QmlModels (required version >= 6.2.2)
* WrapVulkanHeaders
* Qt6OpenGL (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6Quick (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6Qml (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6Test (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6QmlTools (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6QmlPrivate (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6QuickPrivate (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6QuickTest (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6QuickTemplates2Private (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6QuickControls2 (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Java (required version >= 1.8)
* Qt6HostInfo
* Threads
* Qt6ShaderToolsTools (required version >= 6.2.2)
* Qt6ShaderTools
* Qt6
* EGL, A platform-agnostic mechanism for creating rendering surfaces for use with other graphics libraries, such as OpenGL|ES and OpenVG., <https://www.khronos.org/egl/>
-- The following OPTIONAL packages have not been found:
* zstd
* ZSTD (required version >= 1.3), ZSTD compression library, <https://github.com/facebook/zstd>
* DBus1 (required version >= 1.2)
* WrapDBus1 (required version >= 1.2)
* Libudev
* Vulkan
* Backtrace
* WrapBacktrace
* double-conversion
* WrapDoubleConversion
* Libsystemd
* Libb2
* PCRE2 (required version >= 10.20)
* WrapSystemPCRE2 (required version >= 10.20)
* Slog2
* unofficial-brotli
* WrapBrotli
* Libproxy
* OpenSSL
* WrapOpenSSLHeaders
* WrapOpenSSL
* GSSAPI, Generic Security Services Application Program Interface
* X11_XCB, A compatibility library for code that translates Xlib API calls into XCB calls, <http://xorg.freedesktop.org/>
* DirectFB
* Libdrm, Userspace interface to kernel DRM services., <https://wiki.freedesktop.org/dri/>
* Freetype (required version >= 2.2.0)
* WrapSystemFreetype (required version >= 2.2.0)
* Fontconfig
* gbm, Mesa gbm library., <http://www.mesa3d.org>
* harfbuzz (required version >= 2.6.0)
* WrapSystemHarfbuzz (required version >= 2.6.0)
* md4c
* WrapSystemMd4c
* WrapSystemPNG
* OpenGL
* WrapOpenGL
* GTK3 (required version >= 3.6)
* Libinput, Library to handle input devices in Wayland compositors and to provide a generic X.Org input driver., <http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/libinput/>
* XKB, XKB API common to servers and clients., <http://xkbcommon.org>
* Tslib
* Mtdev
* Cups
* DB2, IBM DB2 client library, <https://www.ibm.com>
* MySQL, MySQL client library, <https://www.mysql.com>
* PostgreSQL
* Oracle, Oracle client library, <https://www.oracle.com>
* SQLite3
* Interbase, Interbase client library, <https://www.embarcadero.com/products/interbase>
* Jasper
* WrapJasper
* WebP
* WrapWebP
* Libmng
* Qt6QmlCompilerPlus
* AVFoundation
* GLIB2, Event loop and utility library, <https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GLib>
* GObject
* GStreamer
* PulseAudio
* WrapPulseAudio
* PkgConfig
Configure summary:
Building for: android-clang (x86_64, CPU features: cx16 mmx popcnt sse sse2 sse3 ssse3 sse4.1 sse4.2 sse4)
Compiler: clang 11.0.5
Build options:
Mode ................................... release (with debug info)
Optimize release build for size ........ no
Fully optimize release builds (-O3) .... no
Building shared libraries .............. no
Using C standard ....................... C11
Using C++ standard ..................... C++20
Using ccache ........................... no
Relocatable ............................ no
Using precompiled headers .............. yes
Using LTCG ............................. no
Target compiler supports:
SSE .................................. SSE2 SSE3 SSSE3 SSE4.1 SSE4.2
AVX .................................. <none>
AVX512 ............................... <none>
Other x86 ............................ AES RDRAND SHA
Intrinsics without compiler architecture option yes
Addresses ............................ no
Threads .............................. no
Memory ............................... no
Fuzzer (instrumentation only) ........ no
Undefined ............................ no
Build parts ............................ libs
App store compliance ................... yes
Qt modules and options:
Qt Concurrent .......................... yes
Qt D-Bus ............................... no
Qt D-Bus directly linked to libdbus .... no
Qt Gui ................................. yes
Qt Network ............................. yes
Qt PrintSupport ........................ yes
Qt Sql ................................. yes
Qt Testlib ............................. yes
Qt Widgets ............................. yes
Qt Xml ................................. yes
Support enabled for:
Using pkg-config ....................... no
udev ................................... no
Using system zlib ...................... yes
Zstandard support ...................... no
Thread support ......................... yes
Common build options:
Linker can resolve circular dependencies yes
Qt Core:
backtrace .............................. no
DoubleConversion ....................... yes
Using system DoubleConversion ........ no
GLib ................................... no
ICU .................................... no
Using system libb2 ..................... no
Built-in copy of the MIME database ..... yes
Tracing backend ........................ <none>
Logging backends:
journald ............................. no
syslog ............................... no
slog2 ................................ no
PCRE2 .................................. yes
Using system PCRE2 ................... no
Qt Sql:
SQL item models ........................ yes
Qt Network:
getifaddrs() ........................... no
IPv6 ifname ............................ no
libproxy ............................... no
OpenSSL ................................ no
Qt directly linked to OpenSSL ........ no
OpenSSL 1.1 ............................ no
DTLS ................................... no
OCSP-stapling .......................... no
SCTP ................................... no
Use system proxies ..................... yes
GSSAPI ................................. no
Brotli Decompression Support ........... no
Qt Gui:
Accessibility .......................... yes
FreeType ............................... yes
Using system FreeType ................ no
HarfBuzz ............................... yes
Using system HarfBuzz ................ no
Fontconfig ............................. no
Image formats:
GIF .................................. yes
ICO .................................. yes
JPEG ................................. yes
Using system libjpeg ............... no
PNG .................................. yes
Using system libpng ................ no
Text formats:
HtmlParser ........................... yes
CssParser ............................ yes
OdfWriter ............................ yes
MarkdownReader ....................... yes
Using system libmd4c ............... no
MarkdownWriter ....................... yes
EGL .................................... yes
OpenVG ................................. no
Desktop OpenGL ....................... no
OpenGL ES 2.0 ........................ yes
OpenGL ES 3.0 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.1 ........................ no
OpenGL ES 3.2 ........................ no
Vulkan ................................. yes
Session Management ..................... yes
Features used by QPA backends:
evdev .................................. yes
libinput ............................... no
INTEGRITY HID .......................... no
mtdev .................................. no
tslib .................................. no
xkbcommon .............................. no
X11 specific:
XLib ................................. no
XCB Xlib ............................. no
EGL on X11 ........................... no
xkbcommon-x11 ........................ no
xcb-sm ............................... no
QPA backends:
DirectFB ............................... no
EGLFS .................................. no
EGLFS details:
EGLFS OpenWFD ........................ no
EGLFS i.Mx6 .......................... no
EGLFS i.Mx6 Wayland .................. no
EGLFS RCAR ........................... no
EGLFS EGLDevice ...................... no
EGLFS GBM ............................ no
EGLFS VSP2 ........................... no
EGLFS Mali ........................... no
EGLFS Raspberry Pi ................... no
EGLFS X11 ............................ no
LinuxFB ................................ no
VNC .................................... no
VK_KHR_display ......................... no
lgmon ................................ no
IMF .................................. no
Using system-provided xcb-xinput ..... no
GL integrations:
GLX Plugin ......................... no
XCB GLX .......................... no
EGL-X11 Plugin ..................... no
Direct 2D ............................ no
Direct 2D 1.1 ........................ no
DirectWrite .......................... no
DirectWrite 3 ........................ no
Qt Widgets:
GTK+ ................................... no
Styles ................................. Fusion Windows Android
Qt Testlib:
Tester for item models ................. yes
Qt PrintSupport:
CUPS ................................... no
Qt Sql Drivers:
DB2 (IBM) .............................. no
InterBase .............................. no
MySql .................................. no
OCI (Oracle) ........................... no
ODBC ................................... no
PostgreSQL ............................. no
SQLite ................................. yes
Using system provided SQLite ......... no
Further Image Formats:
JasPer ................................. no
MNG .................................... no
TIFF ................................... yes
Using system libtiff ................. no
WEBP ................................... yes
Using system libwebp ................. no
QML network support .................... yes
QML debugging and profiling support .... yes
QML just-in-time compiler .............. yes
QML sequence object .................... yes
QML XML http request ................... yes
QML Locale ............................. yes
Qt QML Models:
QML list model ......................... yes
QML delegate model ..................... yes
Qt Quick:
AnimatedImage item ..................... yes
Canvas item ............................ yes
Support for Qt Quick Designer .......... yes
Flipable item .......................... yes
GridView item .......................... yes
ListView item .......................... yes
TableView item ......................... yes
Path support ........................... yes
PathView item .......................... yes
Positioner items ....................... yes
Repeater item .......................... yes
ShaderEffect item ...................... yes
Sprite item ............................ yes
Qt Quick Templates 2:
Hover support .......................... yes
Multi-touch support .................... yes
Qt Quick Controls 2:
Styles ................................. Basic Fusion Imagine Material Universal macOS Windows
Qt Multimedia:
GStreamer 1.0 .......................... no
Video for Linux ........................ yes
Linux DMA buffer support ............... no
MMRenderer ............................. no
AVFoundation ........................... no
Windows Media Foundation ............... no
Note: Using static linking will disable the use of dynamically loaded plugins. Make sure to import all needed static plugins, or compile needed modules into the library.
Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'cmake --build . --parallel'
Once everything is built, you must run 'cmake --install .'
Qt will be installed into 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android'
To configure and build other Qt modules, you can use the following convenience script:
If reconfiguration fails for some reason, try to remove 'CMakeCache.txt' from the build directory
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: E:/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2
and QT built and installed successfully, but when I tried to build my app I got linker errors:
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/libqml_QtQuick_qtquick2plugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_qtquickcontrols2plugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/libqml_QtQuick_Layouts_qquicklayoutsplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/libqml_QtQml_qmlplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_impl_qtquickcontrols2implplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Basic_qtquickcontrols2basicstyleplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Fusion/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Fusion_qtquickcontrols2fusionstyleplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Material/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Material_qtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Imagine/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Imagine_qtquickcontrols2imaginestyleplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Universal/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Universal_qtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/Models/libqml_QtQml_Models_modelsplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/libqml_QtQml_WorkerScript_workerscriptplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Templates/libqml_QtQuick_Templates_qtquicktemplates2plugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Basic_impl_qtquickcontrols2basicstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Shapes/libqml_QtQuick_Shapes_qmlshapesplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Fusion/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Fusion_impl_qtquickcontrols2fusionstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Window/libqml_QtQuick_Window_quickwindowplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Material/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Material_impl_qtquickcontrols2materialstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Imagine/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Imagine_impl_qtquickcontrols2imaginestyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
clang++: error: no such file or directory: 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Universal/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Universal_impl_qtquickcontrols2universalstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
Tried to rename them:
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/libqtquick2plugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/libqml_QtQuick_qtquick2plugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/libqtquickcontrols2plugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_qtquickcontrols2plugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/libqquicklayoutsplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Layouts/libqml_QtQuick_Layouts_qquicklayoutsplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/libqmlplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/libqml_QtQml_qmlplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/impl/libqtquickcontrols2implplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_impl_qtquickcontrols2implplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/libqtquickcontrols2basicstyleplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Basic_qtquickcontrols2basicstyleplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Fusion/libqtquickcontrols2fusionstyleplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Fusion/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Fusion_qtquickcontrols2fusionstyleplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Material/libqtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Material/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Material_qtquickcontrols2materialstyleplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Imagine/libqtquickcontrols2imaginestyleplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Imagine/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Imagine_qtquickcontrols2imaginestyleplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Universal/libqtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Universal/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Universal_qtquickcontrols2universalstyleplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/Models/libmodelsplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/Models/libqml_QtQml_Models_modelsplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/libworkerscriptplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQml/WorkerScript/libqml_QtQml_WorkerScript_workerscriptplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Templates/libqtquicktemplates2plugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Templates/libqml_QtQuick_Templates_qtquicktemplates2plugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/impl/libqtquickcontrols2basicstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Basic/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Basic_impl_qtquickcontrols2basicstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Shapes/libqmlshapesplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Shapes/libqml_QtQuick_Shapes_qmlshapesplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Fusion/impl/libqtquickcontrols2fusionstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Fusion/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Fusion_impl_qtquickcontrols2fusionstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Window/libquickwindowplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Window/libqml_QtQuick_Window_quickwindowplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Material/impl/libqtquickcontrols2materialstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Material/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Material_impl_qtquickcontrols2materialstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Imagine/impl/libqtquickcontrols2imaginestyleimplplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Imagine/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Imagine_impl_qtquickcontrols2imaginestyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
mv 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Universal/impl/libqtquickcontrols2universalstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a' 'E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Universal/impl/libqml_QtQuick_Controls_Universal_impl_qtquickcontrols2universalstyleimplplugin_x86_64.a'
and when I did the next attempt to build my app I got the same linker error as with qttools
ld: error: duplicate symbol: JNI_OnLoad
>>> defined at androidjni.cpp androidjni.cpp
>>> androidjni.obj:(JNI_OnLoad)
>>> defined at androidjnimain.cpp:897 (E:/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2/qtbase/src/plugins/platforms/android\androidjnimain.cpp:897)
>>> androidjnimain.cpp.o:(.text.JNI_OnLoad+0x0) in archive E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/plugins/platforms/libqtforandroid_x86_64.a
ld: error: duplicate symbol: JNI_OnLoad
>>> defined at androidjni.cpp androidjni.cpp
>>> androidjni.obj:(JNI_OnLoad)
>>> defined at qjnihelpers.cpp:382 (E:/repos/qt-everywhere-src-6.2.2/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel\qjnihelpers.cpp:382)
>>> qjnihelpers.cpp.o:(.text.JNI_OnLoad+0x0) in archive E:/Qt/Qt6.2.2/android/lib/libQt6Core_x86_64.a
clang++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
make: *** [Makefile:621: libLinesGameQt_x86_64.so] Error 1
Reported the bug about probably broken build and realized that building Qt For Android as static libraries is not supported.
The issue is that multiple libraries have JNI_OnLoad() functions in order to register native Java methods, which of course cannot work when all the libraries are merged into a single binary. So in order to support this we would need to invent some way of calling the different library entry points from a single JNI_OnLoad() function. This could for instance be generated at build time, when the set of libraries linked is known.
Information on the configuration options
All the configuration options:
Usage: configure [options] [-- cmake-options]
This is a convenience script for configuring Qt with CMake.
Options after the double dash are directly passed to CMake.
Top-level installation directories:
-prefix <dir> ...... The deployment directory, as seen on the target device.
[/usr/local/Qt-$QT_VERSION; qtbase build directory if
-extprefix <dir> ... The installation directory, as seen on the host machine.
Fine tuning of installation directory layout. Note that all directories
except -sysconfdir should be located under -prefix:
-bindir <dir> ......... Executables [PREFIX/bin]
-headerdir <dir> ...... Header files [PREFIX/include]
-libdir <dir> ......... Libraries [PREFIX/lib]
-archdatadir <dir> .... Arch-dependent data [PREFIX]
-plugindir <dir> ...... Plugins [ARCHDATADIR/plugins]
-libexecdir <dir> ..... Helper programs [ARCHDATADIR/bin on Windows,
ARCHDATADIR/libexec otherwise]
-qmldir <dir> ......... QML imports [ARCHDATADIR/qml]
-datadir <dir> ........ Arch-independent data [PREFIX]
-docdir <dir> ......... Documentation [DATADIR/doc]
-translationdir <dir> . Translations [DATADIR/translations]
-sysconfdir <dir> ..... Settings used by Qt programs [PREFIX/etc/xdg]
-examplesdir <dir> .... Examples [PREFIX/examples]
-testsdir <dir> ....... Tests [PREFIX/tests]
-hostdatadir <dir> .... Data used by qmake [PREFIX]
Conventions for the remaining options: When an option's description is
followed by a list of values in brackets, the interpretation is as follows:
'yes' represents the bare option; all other values are possible prefixes to
the option, e.g., -no-gui. Alternatively, the value can be assigned, e.g.,
--gui=yes. Values are listed in the order they are tried if not specified;
'auto' is a shorthand for 'yes/no'. Solitary 'yes' and 'no' represent binary
options without auto-detection.
Configure meta:
-help, -h ............ Display this help screen
-redo ................ Re-configure with previously used options.
Additional options may be passed, but will not be
saved for later use by -redo.
-feature-<feature> ... Enable <feature>
-no-feature-<feature> Disable <feature> [none]
-list-features ....... List available features. Note that some features
have dedicated command line options as well.
Build options:
-cmake-generator <name> ... Explicitly specify the build system generator for
CMake instead of auto-detecting one.
-cmake-use-default-generator ... Turn off auto-detection of the CMake build
system generator.
-cmake-file-api ...... Let CMake store build metadata for loading the build
into an IDE. [no; yes if -developer-build]
-no-guess-compiler ... Do not guess the compiler from the target mkspec.
-release ............. Build Qt with debugging turned off [yes]
-debug ............... Build Qt with debugging turned on [no]
-debug-and-release ... Build two versions of Qt, with and without
debugging turned on [yes] (Apple and Windows only)
-optimize-debug ...... Enable debug-friendly optimizations in debug builds
[auto] (Not supported with MSVC or Clang toolchains)
-optimize-size ....... Optimize release builds for size instead of speed [no]
-force-debug-info .... Create symbol files for release builds [no]
-separate-debug-info . Split off debug information to separate files [no]
-gdb-index ........... Index the debug info to speed up GDB
[no; auto if -developer-build with debug info]
-gc-binaries ......... Place each function or data item into its own section
and enable linker garbage collection of unused
sections. [auto for static builds, otherwise no]
-force-asserts ....... Enable Q_ASSERT even in release builds [no]
-developer-build ..... Compile and link Qt for developing Qt itself
(exports for auto-tests, extra checks, etc.) [no]
-shared .............. Build shared Qt libraries [yes] (no for UIKit)
-static .............. Build static Qt libraries [no] (yes for UIKit)
-framework ........... Build Qt framework bundles [yes] (Apple only)
-platform <target> ... Select mkspec for the qmake companion files
-device <name> ....... Select devices/mkspec for the qmake companion files
-device-option <key=value> ... Add option for the device mkspec
-appstore-compliant .. Disable code that is not allowed in platform app stores.
This is on by default for platforms which require distribution
through an app store by default, in particular Android,
iOS, tvOS, and watchOS. [auto]
-qt-host-path <path> . Specify path to a Qt host build for cross-compiling.
-qtnamespace <name> .. Wrap all Qt library code in 'namespace <name> {...}'.
-qtlibinfix <infix> .. Rename all libQt6*.so to libQt6*<infix>.so.
-testcocoon .......... Instrument with the TestCocoon code coverage tool [no]
-gcov ................ Instrument with the GCov code coverage tool [no]
-trace [backend] ..... Enable instrumentation with tracepoints.
Currently supported backends are 'etw' (Windows) and
'lttng' (Linux), or 'yes' for auto-detection. [no]
-sanitize {address|thread|memory|fuzzer-no-link|undefined}
Instrument with the specified compiler sanitizer.
Note that some sanitizers cannot be combined;
for example, -sanitize address cannot be combined with
-sanitize thread.
-c++std <edition> .... Select C++ standard <edition> [c++20/c++17/c++14/c++11]
-sse2 ................ Use SSE2 instructions [auto]
Enable use of particular x86 instructions [auto]
Enabled ones are still subject to runtime detection.
-mips_dsp/-mips_dspr2 Use MIPS DSP/rev2 instructions [auto]
-qreal <type> ........ typedef qreal to the specified type. [double]
Note: this affects binary compatibility.
-R <string> .......... Add an explicit runtime library path to the Qt
libraries. Supports paths relative to LIBDIR.
-rpath ............... Link Qt libraries and executables using the library
install path as a runtime library path. Similar to
-R LIBDIR. On Apple platforms, disabling this implies
using absolute install names (based in LIBDIR) for
dynamic libraries and frameworks. [auto]
-reduce-exports ...... Reduce amount of exported symbols [auto]
-reduce-relocations .. Reduce amount of relocations [auto] (Unix only)
-plugin-manifests .... Embed manifests into plugins [no] (Windows only)
-static-runtime ...... With -static, use static runtime [no] (Windows only)
-pch ................. Use precompiled headers [auto]
-ltcg ................ Use Link Time Code Generation [no]
-linker [bfd,gold,lld] Force use of the GNU ld, GNU gold or LLVM/LLD linker
instead of default one (GCC only)
-ccache .............. Use the ccache compiler cache [no] (Unix only)
-warnings-are-errors . Treat warnings as errors [no; yes if -developer-build]
Build environment:
-sysroot <dir> ....... Set <dir> as the target sysroot
-pkg-config .......... Use pkg-config [auto] (Unix only)
-D <string> .......... Pass additional preprocessor define
-I <string> .......... Pass additional include path
-L <string> .......... Pass additional library path
-F <string> .......... Pass additional framework path (Apple only)
-sdk <sdk> ........... Build Qt using Apple provided SDK <sdk>. The argument
should be one of the available SDKs as listed by
'xcodebuild -showsdks'.
-android-sdk path .... Set Android SDK root path [$ANDROID_SDK_ROOT]
-android-ndk path .... Set Android NDK root path [$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT]
-android-ndk-platform Set Android platform
-android-abis ....... Only one ABI can be specified, default is: armeabi-v7a
-android-javac-target Set the javac build target version [8]
-android-javac-source Set the javac build source version [8]
-android-style-assets Automatically extract style assets from the device at
run time. This option makes the Android style behave
correctly, but also makes the Android platform plugin
incompatible with the LGPL2.1. [yes]
Component selection:
-skip <repo> ......... Exclude an entire repository from the build.
-make <part> ......... Add <part> to the list of parts to be built.
Specifying this option clears the default list first.
(allowed values: libs, tools, examples, tests,
benchmarks, manual-tests, minimal-static-tests)
[default: libs and examples, also tools if not
cross-building, also tests if -developer-build]
-nomake <part> ....... Exclude <part> from the list of parts to be built.
-gui ................. Build the Qt GUI module and dependencies [yes]
-widgets ............. Build the Qt Widgets module and dependencies [yes]
-no-dbus ............. Do not build the Qt D-Bus module
[default on Android and Windows]
-dbus-linked ......... Build Qt D-Bus and link to libdbus-1 [auto]
-dbus-runtime ........ Build Qt D-Bus and dynamically load libdbus-1 [no]
-accessibility ....... Enable accessibility support [yes]
Note: Disabling accessibility is not recommended.
Qt comes with bundled copies of some 3rd party libraries. These are used
by default if auto-detection of the respective system library fails.
Core options:
-doubleconversion .... Select used double conversion library [system/qt/no]
No implies use of sscanf_l and snprintf_l (imprecise).
-glib ................ Enable Glib support [no; auto on Unix]
-eventfd ............. Enable eventfd support
-inotify ............. Enable inotify support
-icu ................. Enable ICU support [auto]
-pcre ................ Select used libpcre2 [system/qt/no]
-zlib ................ Select used zlib [system/qt]
Logging backends:
-journald .......... Enable journald support [no] (Unix only)
-syslog ............ Enable syslog support [no] (Unix only)
-slog2 ............. Enable slog2 support [auto] (QNX only)
Network options:
-ssl ................. Enable either SSL support method [auto]
-no-openssl .......... Do not use OpenSSL [default on Apple]
-openssl-linked ...... Use OpenSSL and link to libssl [no]
-openssl-runtime ..... Use OpenSSL and dynamically load libssl [auto]
-schannel ............ Use Secure Channel [auto] (Windows only)
-securetransport ..... Use SecureTransport [auto] (Apple only)
-sctp ................ Enable SCTP support [no]
-libproxy ............ Enable use of libproxy [no]
-system-proxies ...... Use system network proxies by default [yes]
Gui, printing, widget options:
-cups ................ Enable CUPS support [auto] (Unix only)
-fontconfig .......... Enable Fontconfig support [auto] (Unix only)
-freetype ............ Select used FreeType [system/qt/no]
-harfbuzz ............ Select used HarfBuzz-NG [system/qt/no]
(Not auto-detected on Apple and Windows)
-gtk ................. Enable GTK platform theme support [auto]
-no-opengl ........... Disable OpenGL support
-opengl <api> ........ Enable OpenGL support. Supported APIs:
es2, desktop (default on Unix),
dynamic (Windows only, default on Windows)
-opengles3 ........... Enable OpenGL ES 3.x support instead of ES 2.x [auto]
-egl ................. Enable EGL support [auto]
-qpa <name> .......... Select default QPA backend(s) (e.g., xcb, cocoa, windows)
A prioritized list separated by semi-colons.
-xcb-xlib............. Enable Xcb-Xlib support [auto]
Platform backends:
-direct2d .......... Enable Direct2D support [auto] (Windows only)
-directfb .......... Enable DirectFB support [no] (Unix only)
-eglfs ............. Enable EGLFS support [auto; no on Android and Windows]
-gbm ............... Enable backends for GBM [auto] (Linux only)
-kms ............... Enable backends for KMS [auto] (Linux only)
-linuxfb ........... Enable Linux Framebuffer support [auto] (Linux only)
-xcb ............... Enable X11 support [auto] (Linux only)
Input backends:
-libudev............ Enable udev support [auto]
-evdev ............. Enable evdev support [auto]
-libinput .......... Enable libinput support [auto]
-mtdev ............. Enable mtdev support [auto]
-tslib ............. Enable tslib support [auto]
-bundled-xcb-xinput Use bundled XInput2 support [auto]
-xkbcommon ......... Enable key mapping support [auto]
Image formats:
-gif ............... Enable reading support for GIF [auto]
-ico ............... Enable support for ICO [yes]
-libpng ............ Select used libpng [system/qt/no]
-libjpeg ........... Select used libjpeg [system/qt/no]
Database options:
-sql-<driver> ........ Enable SQL <driver> plugin. Supported drivers:
db2 ibase mysql oci odbc psql sqlite
[all auto]
-sqlite .............. Select used sqlite [system/qt]
Qt3D options:
-assimp .............. Select used assimp library [system/qt/no]
-qt3d-profile-jobs ... Enable jobs profiling [no]
-qt3d-profile-gl ..... Enable OpenGL profiling [no]
-qt3d-simd ........... Select level of SIMD support [no/sse2/avx2]
-qt3d-render ......... Enable the Qt3D Render aspect [yes]
-qt3d-input .......... Enable the Qt3D Input aspect [yes]
-qt3d-logic .......... Enable the Qt3D Logic aspect [yes]
-qt3d-extras ......... Enable the Qt3D Extras aspect [yes]
-qt3d-animation....... Enable the Qt3D Animation aspect [yes]
Further image format options:
-jasper .............. Enable JPEG-2000 support using the JasPer library [no]
-mng ................. Enable MNG support [no]
-tiff ................ Enable TIFF support [system/qt/no]
-webp ................ Enable WEBP support [system/qt/no]
Multimedia options:
-pulseaudio .......... Enable PulseAudio support [auto] (Unix only)
-alsa ................ Enable ALSA support [auto] (Unix only)
-no-gstreamer ........ Disable support for GStreamer
-gstreamer [version] . Enable GStreamer support [auto]
With no parameter, 1.0 is tried first, then 0.10.
-evr ................. Enables EVR in WMF [auto]
QtQuick3D options:
-assimp .............. Select used assimp library [system/qt/no]
WebEngine options:
-webengine-alsa ................ Enable ALSA support [auto] (Linux only)
-webengine-pulseaudio .......... Enable PulseAudio support [auto]
(Linux only)
-webengine-embedded-build ...... Enable Linux embedded build [auto]
(Linux only)
-webengine-icu ................. Use system ICU libraries [system/qt]
(Linux only)
-webengine-ffmpeg .............. Use system FFmpeg libraries [system/qt]
(Linux only)
-webengine-opus ................ Use system Opus libraries [system/qt]
(Linux only)
-webengine-webp ................ Use system WebP libraries [system/qt]
(Linux only)
-webengine-pepper-plugins ...... Enable use of Pepper Flash and Widevine
plugins [auto]
-webengine-printing-and-pdf .... Enable use of printing and output to PDF
-webengine-proprietary-codecs .. Enable support for proprietary codecs [no]
-webengine-spellchecker ........ Enable support for spellchecker [yes]
-webengine-native-spellchecker . Enable support for native spellchecker [no]
(macOS only)
-webengine-webrtc .............. Enable support for WebRTC [auto]