Windows Live Writer is configured for working with WordPress multi-site the same way as with normal single-site WordPress installation, but WordPress works a bit differently in multi-site and single-site configurations. The difference consists in a few lines of code in wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php:
function wp_getUsersBlogs( $args ) { global $current_site; // If this isn't on WPMU then just use blogger_getUsersBlogs if ( !is_multisite() ) { array_unshift( $args, 1 ); return $this->blogger_getUsersBlogs( $args ); } //single-site verion... }
Finally wp_getUsersBlogs (only multi-site aware function of MetaWeblog interface) in multi-site configuration passes the control to the point, where some XML-RPC call is made:
function _multisite_getUsersBlogs($args) { global $current_blog; $domain = $current_blog->domain; $path = $current_blog->path . 'xmlrpc.php'; $protocol = is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; $rpc = new IXR_Client("$protocol://{$domain}{$path}"); $rpc->query('wp.getUsersBlogs', $args[1], $args[2]); $blogs = $rpc->getResponse(); if ( isset($blogs['faultCode']) ) return new IXR_Error($blogs['faultCode'], $blogs['faultString']); if ( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == $domain && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == $path ) { return $blogs; } else { foreach ( (array) $blogs as $blog ) { if ( strpos($blog['url'], $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) return array($blog); } return array(); } }
I do not know why XML-RPC used at this point instead of normal call, but the first thing I noticed in this code was that XML-RPC call will not work if $domain is not accessible at the server side. So, conclusion is that WordPress multi-site requires all domains to be added to /etc/hosts, otherwise Windows Live Writer will show us the following message while trying to create new account:
You signed in successfully with a blog account, but you do not have a blog with this service provider. $#xA;Check with the blog service provider and then try again.
06/23/2013 I realized that I need to select Weblog system and enter blog entry point manually in Windows Live Writer, otherwise I got this message independently of whether I added all the domains to /etc/hosts or not (initially I need to enter something like “http://nothing” and press “Next” button). Probably something has been changed in WP 3.5.1 or prior version.
Interesting that BlogDesk behaves in the same way! It shows the following message when I press “Get Blog-ID” button:
BlogDesk was able to connect to the server but did not found any Blog-ID.
but if I enter Blog-ID manually it works fine.
Looks like both WLW and BlogDesk are unable to determine Blog-ID in this situation.
Anyway, if you read this article than my multi-site WordPress with domain mapping is working so far.
For me the issue with:
“You signed in successfully with a blog account, but you do not have a blog with this service provider. $#xA;Check with the blog service provider and then try again.”
was the fact that I was not using local accounts but LDAP. If I setup local accounts it works.
It is exactly as the message says, you managed to sign in, however you do not have a local account, which is probably some bug or sequrity issue.
Dude! You saved my bacon. Thanks for sussing this out…
hey there,
Can you please share the value you are entering into live writer to get weblog going? Presumably when you register a wordpress blog but rather are choosing the generic option and then something like /metaweblog and then the iD but could you share the secret formula/syntax?
Hello, Sean! With my main blog WLW works normally but with other blogs (not main) I do the following trick: initially I select URL:http://nothing and at the next screen I select WordPress 2.2+ provider and URL= and at the final screen select my site again.